Samantha M. Curle is a Reader in the Department of Education at the University of Bath, and the Director of the MRes Programme in Advanced Quantitative Research Methods. Her main research interest lies in factors affecting academic achievement in EMI. She has published four edited books on EMI (with Pun, 2021, 2022). Jack Pun is Assistant Professor in the Department of English at the City University of Hong Kong. His research interests lie in EMI and health communication. Notable publications include Teaching and Learning in English Medium Instruction (with Richards, 2022) and Research Methods in English Medium Instruction (with Curle, 2022).
'All those interested in carrying out quantitative research in EMI settings should pay careful attention to this book, as it will turn out to be most inspiring and practical. Why? Because the contributors have successfully managed to lay the ground for cogent research designs by neatly putting forth how different types of quantitative research tools can be effectively implemented and how potential challenges can be overcome.' David Lasagabaster, Full Professor of Applied Linguistics, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU 'This book is a seminal work in the field of English Medium Instruction. With each chapter offering a unique perspective on a different quantitative approach, the book serves as an invaluable guide for those engaged in EMI research and beyond.' Angel M. Y. Lin, Chair Professor, Education University of Hong Kong 'This volume is a welcome addition to the expanding body of EMI research. The methodological toolkit offered by the contributing authors plugs a valuable need to measure the effectiveness of EMI interventions across multiple educational settings. EMI practitioners, researchers, and policymakers will benefit immensely from the book's insights.' Peter De Costa, Professor of Applied Linguistics and Teacher Education, Michigan State University