Dr Khan Mahmud Amanat is Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET). In his more than a 30-year long career as an academician, Dr Amanat has published several research articles on concrete and steel in many international journals, some of which also received best paper awards. He supervised several master’s and PhD researches. Dr Amanat is very active in developing and modernizing the civil engineering curricula of BUET. His current research interests include the behavior of steel slit dampers and shear links under cyclic loading, optimized design of post-tensioned PC-girders, controlled rocking self-centering steel braced frames, soft-storied buildings, repair and retrofitting structures using CFRP laminates, behavior of bolted flanged connection subjected to bending, replaceable steel coupling beams, recycled brick concrete aggregate, estimation of in-situ strength of brick concrete columns, the behavior of engineered cementitious composite made of locally available materials, evaluation of the strength of fiber reinforced concrete by core testing, etc. Dr Amanat is also contributing to the development of the nation through consultancy and advisory services. He had been actively involved in updating and developing the Bangladesh National Building Code 2020. He acted as a consultant or expert in a number of important national mega projects like the Padma Bridge Project, the repair of Bangabandhu Jamuna Bridge, Meghna Bridge, the design of bridges and flyovers, etc. As an expert academician, he has served as the Chairman of the Civil Engineering Division of the Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institute (BSTI) as well as a member of various committees formed by the government. As an experienced academician and professional, he also conducted several seminars and workshops at home and abroad.