Soyoung Park is director of online programs in Early Childhood and Childhood Special Education at the Bank Street College Graduate School of Education. She has worked in the field of special education in a variety of roles, including teacher, interventionist, coach, researcher, and teacher educator. Her work specifically aims to advance justice for children of color with disabilities, their families, and their teachers.
""In this heartbreaking and hopeful work, Park masterfully critiques the inequities in special education for children of Color and envisions a path toward liberatory inclusion. Beautifully grounded in theory, deeply humanizing, and eminently practical, the book serves as an essential and timely resource for educators, administrators, and policymakers.""--Judy Paulick, associate professor of education, University of Virginia ""Soyoung Park meticulously explains why current school practices and ideologies often fail students of color with disabilities. What elevates her book to assigned reading for educators and policymakers are the rich examples of liberatory pedagogies needed to address this longstanding inequity.""--North Cooc, associate professor of special education, The University of Texas at Austin ""With a palpable sense of urgency, Soyoung Park offers an expertly researched account of pedagogical practices in inclusive classrooms. Through a blend of brilliance and critical care, Park grows readers' understanding of why inclusion must be (re)imagined to achieve true educational justice for our students of color with disabilities.""--Pamela M. Jones, graduate teacher educator, Bank Street College of Education