K. R. Dikshit is a former Professor of Geography of the University of Pune, India (now retired). He has written several books, such as “Geography of Gujarat” (1970), “Contribution to Indian Geography: Geomorphology” (ed-1983), “Maharashtra in Maps” (1986), “Environment, Forest Ecology and Man in the Western Ghats: The Case of Mahabaleshwar Plateau” (1993) and “North-East India: Land, People and Economy” (2014) as well as many research papers. Jutta K. Dikshit is teaching geography at the Department of Geography of the University of Pune, India. She studied geography and German language and literature at the Johannes Gutenberg University., Mainz (Germany), and obtained her doctoral degree from the Sorbonne, Paris. Before coming to India, she worked as a lecturer at the University of Saarbrucken for a number of years. Her research papers are mainly in the field of physical geography. She is the editor of the book The Urban Fringe of Indian Cities (2011) and she is co-author of the book North-East India: Land, People and Economy (2014).