Mathew Backholer is a revival historian, prolific writer, editor, the co-founder of ByFaith Media (, a presenter for ByFaith TV which airs globally on numerous networks and is a guest speaker on Revelation TV. Mathew is a former student and staff member of the Bible College of Wales (BCW) under the Directorship of Samuel Rees Howells and is the official historian of BCW (1924-2009) who has edited and published: Samuel, Son and Successor of Rees Howells by Richard Maton, alongside Samuel Rees Howells: A Life of Intercession by Richard Maton and Paul Backholer. Mathew has written more than twenty books including Rees Howells' God Challenges the Dictators, Doom of Axis Powers Predicted; the best-selling: Revival Fires and Awakenings; as well as Reformation to Revival, Christianity Rediscovered, Extreme Faith: On Fire Christianity and Short-Term Missions: A Christian Guide to STMs.Instagram: @ByFaithMedia. Twitter: @ByFaithMedia. Facebook: /ByFaithMedia. YouTube: /ByFaithMedia. Pinterest: /ByFaithMedia. Rees Howells was a former miner from Wales who was converted in America and returned to his homeland during the Welsh Revival (1904-1905). He founded a local evangelistic mission, lived a life of faith and intercession, and received the fullness of the Holy Spirit. He was then called to the hidden life, before training to be a minister and with his wife went to the mission fields of Southern Africa where they saw revival for many years! After nearly ten years of service under the auspices of the South Africa General Mission, they founded the Bible College of Wales in Swansea, which became a powerhouse of prayer, faith and intercession, a large international community, with a school for missionary children, hospital and home of rest for missionaries.