Marissa Marchan writes middle-grade fiction, young adult, contemporary romance, and short stories. She is the author of two children's books: A Ray of Sunshine, and Ray and Haley in the Kingdom of the Gobtrolls. Her inspiration for the story came from her grandson, Ray Angelo. Everyone expresses grief and loss in their own way. When Marissa's father passed away many years ago, she discovered she had an amazing gift in creating the most wonderful world of pure imagination. She spent hours alone imagining things and making up stories. That was her way of dealing with grief. Another tragedy was soon to strike Marissa's family as her sister, Mirla, died later. She took a long time to cope with grief and loss. She thought it was the end of the world for her. Ray Angelo gave her the strength and courage to move forward. He pulled her through the most trying moment in her life. He gave her love and inspiration. He gave her confidence and the power to survive during those years when she was lost and afraid. Then she turned into writing, and she finally put her imagination into words. Writing not only helped her heal, it gave her an anchor. It helped her to let go. Since then, she is excited to pursue her writing career and has written two books in the Spoiled Brats Book Series: Forbidden Love and Runaway Romance. Four more novels in the series are in the works. She wrote Mrs. Millionaire Short Story Book Series out of the blue. The idea for Mrs. Millionaire character came to her in a dream.
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