Dr Judith Locke is a registered clinical psychologist, former teacher and school counsellor. She speaks to parents, teachers and students throughout Australia and internationally on topics related to modern parenting, family wellbeing and academic environments. Judith is the author of two bestselling parenting books, The Bonsai Child and The Bonsai Student, the first of which has also been published in China. She has a clinical practice and consults with families in Australasia. Judith wrote a weekly parenting column for The Sunday Mail for five years and her psychological commentary continues to feature regularly in the media. Dr Danielle Einstein is a clinical psychologist and Adjunct Fellow at Macquarie University. She was head of Westmead Hospital's Anxiety Clinic before establishing her private practice. She has published research into prevention and treatment of anxiety, tolerance of uncertainty, emotional health and social media use. Danielle's book, The Dip, gives students and parents a step-by-step guide for positively managing their device use. She was the first Australian clinical psychologist to call for a phone ban in schools and her research findings and practical advice are regularly quoted in the media. Based on her work, Danielle has pioneered an innovative approach to taming worry.