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Chapman & Hall/CRC
31 March 2021
Radiomics and Radiogenomics: Technical Basis and Clinical Applications provides a first summary of the overlapping fields of radiomics and radiogenomics, showcasing how they are being used to evaluate disease characteristics and correlate with treatment response and patient prognosis. It explains the fundamental principles, technical bases, and clinical applications with a focus on oncology. The book’s expert authors present computational approaches for extracting imaging features that help to detect and characterize disease tissues for improving diagnosis, prognosis, and evaluation of therapy response. This book is intended for audiences including imaging scientists, medical physicists, as well as medical professionals and specialists such as diagnostic radiologists, radiation oncologists, and medical oncologists.


Provides a first complete overview of the technical underpinnings and clinical applications of radiomics and radiogenomics

Shows how they are improving diagnostic and prognostic decisions with greater efficacy

Discusses the image informatics, quantitative imaging, feature extraction, predictive modeling, software tools, and other key areas

Covers applications in oncology and beyond, covering all major disease sites in separate chapters

Includes an introduction to basic principles and discussion of emerging research directions with a roadmap to clinical translation
Edited by:   , , , , ,
Imprint:   Chapman & Hall/CRC
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 254mm,  Width: 178mm, 
Weight:   1.100kg
ISBN:   9780367779580
ISBN 10:   0367779587
Series:   Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy
Pages:   484
Publication Date:  
Audience:   College/higher education ,  General/trade ,  Primary ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Ruijiang Li, PhD, is an Assistant Professor and ABR-certified medical physicist in the Department of Radiation Oncology at Stanford University School of Medicine. He is also an affiliated faculty member of the Integrative Biomedical Imaging Informatics at Stanford (IBIIS), a departmental section within Radiology. He has a broad background and training in medical imaging, with specific expertise in quantitative image analysis and machine learning as well as their applications in radiology and radiation oncology. He has received many nationally recognized awards, including the NIH Pathway to Independence (K99/R00) Award, ASTRO Clinical/Basic Science Research Award, ASTRO Basic/Translational Science Award, etc. Dr. Lei Xing is the Jacob Haimson Professor of Medical Physics and Director of Medical Physics Division of Radiation Oncology Department at Stanford University. He also holds affiliate faculty positions in Department of Electrical engineering, Medical Informatics, Bio-X and Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford. Dr. Xing’s research has been focused on inverse treatment planning, tomographic image reconstruction, CT, optical and PET imaging instrumentations, image guided interventions, nanomedicine, imaging informatics and analysis, and applications of molecular imaging in radiation oncology. Dr. Xing is an author on more than 280 peer reviewed publications, a co-inventor on many issued and pending patents, and a co-investigator or principal investigator on numerous NIH, DOD, ACS and corporate grants. He is a fellow of AAPM (American Association of Physicists in Medicine) and AIMBE (American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering). Dr. Sandy Napel is Professor of Radiology, and Professor of Medicine and Electrical Engineering (by courtesy) at Stanford University. His primary interests are in developing diagnostic and therapy-planning applications and strategies for the acquisition, visualization, and quantitation of multi-dimensional medical imaging data. He is the co-director of the Radiology 3D and Quantitative Imaging Lab, and co-Director of IBIIS (Integrative Biomedical Imaging Informatics at Stanford). Daniel L. Rubin, MD, MS, is Associate Professor of Radiology and Medicine (Biomedical Informatics Research) at Stanford University. He is Principal Investigator of two centers in the National Cancer Institute's Quantitative Imaging Network (QIN), Chair of the QIN Executive Committee, Chair of the Informatics Committee of the ECOG-ACRIN cooperative group, and past Chair of the RadLex Steering Committee of the Radiological Society of North America. His NIH-funded research program focuses on quantitative imaging and integrating imaging data with clinical and molecular data to discover imaging phenotypes that can predict the underlying biology, define disease subtypes, and personalize treatment. He is a Fellow of the American College of Medical Informatics and haspublished over 160 scientific publications in biomedical imaging informatics and radiology.

Reviews for Radiomics and Radiogenomics: Technical Basis and Clinical Applications

""Despite an abundance of research papers and some review articles, there have not been many comprehensive books devoted to these special audiences. Two first‐edition books published in 2019 by the Taylor and Francis Group, Radiomics and Radiogenomics (edited by Ruijiang Li, Lei Xing, Sandy Napel, and Daniel L. Rubin) and Big Data in Radiation Oncology (edited by Jun Deng and Lei Xing), have opportunely filled this void, and provided a comprehensive review as well as valuable insights on these key new advances. .... From these two books, readers can gain a fundamental understanding of radiomic feature definition and computation, processing steps (such as voxel resampling, MRI field bias correction and normalization, and other data harmonization), and processing parameters (such as fixed bin size vs fixed bin number and voxel neighborhood size). Readers can also develop a deeper appreciation of proper data management in modeling from both texts. As such, the technical knowledge from the books can assist researchers in optimizing their own study design."" -Dandan Zheng, in the Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, July 2020

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