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Quantum Nanochemistry, Volume Three

Quantum Molecules and Reactivity

Mihai V. Putz (West University of Timisoara, Romania)



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Apple Academic Press Inc.
21 March 2016
Volume 3 of the 5-volume Quantum Nanochemistry presents the chemical reactivity throughout the molecular structure in general and chemical bonding in particular by introducing the bondons as the quantum bosonic particles of the chemical field, localization, from Hückel to Density Functional expositions, especially in relation to how chemical principles of electronegativity and chemical hardness decide the global chemical reactivity and interaction. The volume presents the fundamental and advanced concepts, principles, and models as well as their first and novel combinations and applications in quantum (physical) chemical theory of bonding, molecular reactivity, and aromaticity.
Imprint:   Apple Academic Press Inc.
Country of Publication:   Canada
Dimensions:   Height: 229mm,  Width: 152mm,  Spine: 38mm
Weight:   907g
ISBN:   9781771881357
ISBN 10:   1771881356
Pages:   580
Publication Date:  
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  Primary ,  Undergraduate
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Preface. Foreword by Joel Liebman, University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA. Modern Quantum Nature of The Chemical Bond: Valence, Orbitals and Bondons. Molecular Structure by Quantum Chemistry. Quantum Chemical Reactivity of Atoms-in-Molecules (AIM). Modeling Molecular Aromaticity. Index.

Mihai V. Putz, PhD is a laureate in physics (1997), with an MS degree in spectroscopy (1999), and PhD degree in chemistry (2002), with many post-doctorate stages: in chemistry (2002-2003) and in physics (2004, 2010, 2011) at the University of Calabria, Italy, and Free University of Berlin, Germany, respectively. He is currently associate professor of theoretical and computational physical chemistry at West University of Timisoara, Romania. He has made valuable contributions in computational, quantum, and physical chemistry through seminal works that appeared in many international journals. He actively promoted a new method of defining electronegativity, DFE (Density Functional Electronegativity), among new enzyme kinetics (Logistic Enzyme Kinetics), a new formalization of the structure-activity relationship (SPECTRAL-SAR) model, and recently the bondonic quasi-particle theory of the chemical bonding first application on nanosystems as graphene, all seeking for a unitary quantum approach of the chemical structure and reactivity targeting the bio-, pharmaco-, and ecological analytical description. He is editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Chemical Modelling and the International Journal of Environmental Sciences. He is member of many professional societies and has received several national and international awards from the Romanian National Authority of Scientific Research (2008), the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD (2000, 2004, 2011), and the Center of International Cooperation of Free University Berlin (2010). He is the leader of the Laboratory of Computational and Structural Physical Chemistry for Nanosciences and QSAR at Biology-Chemistry Department of West University of Timisoara, Romania, where he conducts research in the fundamental and applicative fields of quantum physical-chemistry and QSAR. In 2010 Mihai V. Putz was declared through a national competition the Best Researcher of Romania, while in 2013 he was recognized among the first Dr. Habil. in Chemistry in Romania. In 2013 he was appointed scientific director of the newly founded Laboratory of Structural and Computational Physical Chemistry for Nanosciencs and QSAR in his alma mater of West University of Timisoara, while from 2014, he was recognized by the Romanian Ministry of Research as principal investigator of the first degree, and also becoming full member of the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry.

Reviews for Quantum Nanochemistry, Volume Three: Quantum Molecules and Reactivity

Prof. Putz takes the reader back and forth between well-established facts and new insights, between material from one's earliest education, to that which transcends all earlier education. . . . Putz's books offer much for the neophyte and senior scientist alike, neither of whom should assume that s/he will be able to make numerically more reliable predictions of phenomena than he or she could before reading, whether it be of a melting point, a reaction yield, or an LD50. Understanding is more important than factual knowledge, and that is an aspiration shared by the author of these volumes, and that of this foreword. . . . Rewards do await the careful, competent, concerned reader . . . -Joel F. Liebman, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), Baltimore, Maryland USA (from the Foreword to Volume 3)

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