Dr. Peter Y. Lee holds a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Princeton University. His research at Princeton focused on quantum nanostructures, the fractional quantum Hall effect, and Wigner crystals. Following his academic tenure, he joined Bell Labs, making significant contributions to the fields of photonics and optical communications and securing over 20 patents. Dr. Lee's multifaceted expertise extends to educational settings; he has a rich history of teaching, academic program oversight, and computer programming. Dr. Lee is currently on the faculty of Fei Tian College, New York. Dr. Huiwen Ji earned her Ph.D. in Chemistry at Princeton University, where she specialized in the solid-state chemistry of binary and ternary chalcogenides, a field intricately tied to quantum properties and topological surface states. This rigorous academic background laid the foundation for her subsequent research endeavors, blending quantum physics, materials chemistry, and structure-property relationships in solid-state functional materials. In her roles as a Postdoctoral Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, and a Research Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, she further delved into the nuances of advanced material science. Recognized for her significant contributions, Dr. Ji has received accolades such as the ACS PRF Doctoral New Investigator Award and the NSF CAREER Award. She currently serves as a faculty member at the University of Utah. Dr. Ran Cheng earned his Ph.D. in Physics with a focus on theoretical condensed matter physics from the University of Texas at Austin. Following his doctoral studies, he furthered his inquiry into magnetic materials and nanostructures as a postdoctoral researcher at Carnegie Mellon University. He is now a faculty member at the University of California, Riverside, where he actively explores three core research domains: spintronics, topological materials, and low-dimensional quantum magnets. A recognized pioneer in the burgeoning field of antiferromagnetic spintronics, Dr. Cheng was honored with the DOD MURI award alongside a cadre of distinguished physicists, furthering advancements in this innovative domain.
Robert J. Cava, Professor of Chemistry, Princeton Quantum Initiative, Princeton UniversityQuantum Computing is definitely going to impact our future lives. This book adheres to a pedagogical methodology that balances theoretical rigor with accessibility. The scaffolding approach that the authors use guides the reader through the learning journey. This makes the book not only academically rigorous but also effective as a teaching tool. Andrew Kent, Professor of Physics, The Center for Quantum Phenomena, New York UniversityThis impressive book covers the burgeoning field of quantum information, bridging the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and its present and future applications in secure communication and quantum computing. The author's approach is rigorous -- including all the necessary linear algebra -- while the book is highly readable and accessible. It will benefit a wide range of audiences with different backgrounds, from undergraduate students learning quantum mechanics to experts who want a deep understanding of quantum information protocols. Leonard M. Kahn, Professor and Chair, Physics Department, University of Rhode Island This text presents Quantum Computing and Information in a measured format. The reader is exposed to concepts, notation, and calculations in qubit-sized pieces, that are further described in later parts of the text in evolving detail. This scaffolding approach does not demand full comprehension of one topic before going on to the next. Each iteration reviews and adds to the previous. Reading this from a teaching perspective, I found insights about how I can improve my course for mid-career professionals wanting to pivot to a career in quantum information science. I also find this text a useful quick teaching reference to target specific topics with helpful graphics and tables. I highly recommend this text for those teaching first-time quantum students. Shuwang Li, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Illinois Institute of TechnologyThis textbook is elegantly crafted, utilizing a unique ""scaffolding approach"" to render complex topics in quantum computing easily comprehensible for newcomers to the field. It is invaluable for both educators and students of quantum computing. ""Quantum Computing: A Scaffolding Approach"" offers a comprehensive and insightful introduction to quantum computing. Targeted at upper-division undergraduates with a foundational grasp of linear algebra or first-year graduates, it serves as an excellent resource for a one-semester course. The authors employ a lucid and engaging style, ensuring that complex topics are accessible. Their original illustrations and tables, meticulously designed to complement the text, enhance comprehension. Additionally, the textbook provides both concise and detailed examples, aiding entry-level students in grasping fundamental concepts. A well-considered balance between straightforward exercises (to consolidate specific knowledge) and problems (to integrate a broader understanding) is maintained. Tony Holdroyd, Retired Senior Lecturer in Computer Science and Mathematics This comprehensive and eminently readable, timely and sumptuously illustrated book is a tour-de-force through the world of quantum computing and information (QCI). It takes readers on a vivid and accessible journey all the way from the foundations of quantum computing using photons, all the way to quantum algorithms and error correction by way of quantum gates, circuits superposition entanglement and all points in between. It's rare to find a book that speaks so directly to the experience of the reader as they tackle new concepts and techniques and this is another of its excellent aspects.