Michael E. Brookfield has taught stratigraphy, paleobiology, and sedimentology at Guelph University for 30 years. His main research interest is in integrated analyses of sedimentary basins based on field studies. He has worked on Western Canadian and Central Asian orogenic belts, recent and ancient glacial and desert deposits, ancient limestones and their paleocommunities.
In brief, it is a concise, beautifully illustrated...and clearly written source that certainly enriches the market...Brookfield succeeds in transporting not only his fascination, dedication and long-ranging experience with the topic and the sharp knife of scientific thinking, but also the necessary broad, almost interdiscplinary view that helps to successfully solve the complex problems with stratigraphic work poses. Journal of Soils and Sediments, November 2005 ...the book will be an interesting and useful guide for students to provide a foundation for future study and help towards a better understanding of the subject. Geology Today, January 2005