Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, PhD, has researched the efficacy of yoga and meditation for health since 2001. He is the Director of Yoga Research for the Yoga Alliance and the Kundalini Research Institute, Research Associate at the Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine, Research Affiliate of the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, and an Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School in the Department of Medicine at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston. Lorenzo Cohen is Professor and Director of the Integrative Medicine Programme at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre, and Distinguished Clinical Professor, Fudan University Cancer Hospital. His research examines the effects of integrative medicine practices on the negative impacts of cancer treatments. Shirley Telles has a PhD in Neurophysiology, specialising in the effects of yoga practice. Dr Telles received the Fulbright fellowship in 1998 and in 2001 won an award for creative ideas in neurology from the Templeton Foundation. Holger Cramer, PhD is a Full Professor of Complementary Medicine Research at the Institute for General Practice and Interprofessional Care, University Hospital Tübingen, Bosch Health Campus Stuttgart, Germany. He is also Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine. Timothy McCall, MD, is a board-certified internist, and practiced medicine for more than ten years before devoting himself full-time to investigating and teaching yoga therapy.