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Principles and Case Studies of Simultaneous Design

William L. Luyben (Lehigh University, USA)



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22 September 2011
There are many comprehensive design books, but none of them provide a significant number of detailed economic design examples of typically complex industrial processes. Most of the current design books cover a wide variety of topics associated with process design. In addition to discussing flowsheet development and equipment design, these textbooks go into a lot of detail on engineering economics and other many peripheral subjects such as written and oral skills, ethics, ""green"" engineering and product design. This book presents general process design principles in a concise readable form that can be easily comprehended by students and engineers when developing effective flow sheet and control structures. Ten detailed case studies presented illustrate an in-depth and quantitative way the application of these general principles. Detailed economic steady-state designs are developed that satisfy economic criterion such as minimize total annual cost of both capital and energy or return on incremental capital investment. Complete detailed flow sheets and Aspen Plus files are provided. Then conventional PI control structures are be developed and tested for their ability to maintain product quality during disturbances. Complete Aspen Dynamics files are be provided of the dynamic simulations.
Imprint:   Wiley-AIChE
Country of Publication:   United States
Dimensions:   Height: 262mm,  Width: 183mm,  Spine: 21mm
Weight:   730g
ISBN:   9780470927083
ISBN 10:   0470927089
Pages:   344
Publication Date:  
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  Undergraduate
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
PREFACE xv 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Overview / 1 1.2 History / 3 1.3 Books / 4 1.4 Tools / 4 Reference Textbooks / 5 2 PRINCIPLES OF REACTOR DESIGN AND CONTROL 7 2.1 Background / 7 2.2 Principles Derived from Chemistry / 8 2.2.1 Heat of Reaction / 8 2.2.2 Reversible and Irreversible Reactions / 9 2.2.3 Multiple Reactions / 10 2.3 Principles Derived from Phase of Reaction / 11 2.4 Determining Kinetic Parameters / 12 2.4.1 Thermodynamic Constraints / 12 2.4.2 Kinetic Parameters from Plant Data / 13 2.5 Principles of Reactor Heat Exchange / 13 2.5.1 Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactors / 13 2.5.2 Tubular Reactors / 14 2.5.3 Feed-Effluent Heat Exchangers / 16 2.6 Heuristic Design of Reactor/Separation Processes / 17 2.6.1 Introduction / 17 2.6.2 Process Studied / 18 2.6.3 Economic Optimization / 21 2.6.4 Other Cases / 22 2.6.5 Real Example / 27 2.7 Conclusion / 28 References / 29 3 PRINCIPLES OF DISTILLATION DESIGN AND CONTROL 31 3.1 Principles of Economic Distillation Design / 32 3.1.1 Operating Pressure / 32 3.1.2 Heuristic Optimization / 33 3.1.3 Rigorous Optimization / 33 3.1.4 Feed Preheating and Intermediate Reboilers and Condensers / 34 3.1.5 Heat Integration / 34 3.2 Principles of Distillation Control / 35 3.2.1 Single-End Control / 36 3.2.2 Dual-End Control / 38 3.2.3 Alternative Control Structures / 38 3.3 Conclusion / 39 References / 39 4 PRINCIPLES OF PLANTWIDE CONTROL 41 4.1 History / 42 4.2 Effects of Recycle / 42 4.2.1 Time Constants of Integrated Plant with Recycle / 42 4.2.2 Recycle Snowball Effect / 43 4.3 Management of Fresh Feed Streams / 45 4.3.1 Fundamentals / 45 4.3.2 Process with Two Recycles and Two Fresh Feeds / 46 4.4 Conclusion / 52 5 ECONOMIC BASIS 53 5.1 Level of Accuracy / 53 5.2 Sizing Equipment / 54 5.2.1 Vessels / 54 5.2.2 Heat Exchangers / 55 5.2.3 Compressors / 56 5.2.4 Pumps, Valves, and Piping / 56 5.3 Equipment Capital Cost / 56 5.3.1 Vessels / 56 5.3.2 Heat Exchangers / 56 5.3.3 Compressors / 57 5.4 Energy Costs / 57 5.5 Chemical Costs / 57 References / 57 6 DESIGN AND CONTROL OF THE ACETONE PROCESS VIA DEHYDROGENATION OF ISOPROPANOL 59 6.1 Process Description / 60 6.1.1 Reaction Kinetics / 61 6.1.2 Phase Equilibrium / 62 6.2 Turton Flowsheet / 62 6.2.1 Vaporizer / 63 6.2.2 Reactor / 64 6.2.3 Heat Exchangers, Flash Tank, and Absorber / 64 6.2.4 Acetone Column C1 / 66 6.2.5 Water Column C2 / 66 6.3 Revised Flowsheet / 66 6.3.1 Effect of Absorber Pressure / 66 6.3.2 Effect of Water Solvent and Absorber Stages / 68 6.3.3 Effect of Reactor Size / 68 6.3.4 Optimum Distillation Design / 69 6.4 Economic Comparison / 69 6.5 Plantwide Control / 71 6.5.1 Control Structure / 71 6.5.2 Column Control Structure Selection / 75 6.5.3 Dynamic Performance Results / 76 6.6 Conclusion / 81 References / 81 7 DESIGN AND CONTROL OF AN AUTO-REFRIGERATED ALKYLATION PROCESS 83 7.1 Introduction / 84 7.2 Process Description / 84 7.2.1 Reaction Kinetics / 85 7.2.2 Phase Equilibrium / 85 7.2.3 Flowsheet / 86 7.2.4 Design Optimization Variables / 88 7.3 Design of Distillation Columns / 89 7.3.1 Depropanizer / 89 7.3.2 Deisobutanizer / 89 7.4 Economic Optimization of Entire Process / 91 7.4.1 Flowsheet Convergence / 91 7.4.2 Yield / 91 7.4.3 Effect of Reactor Size / 91 7.4.4 Optimum Economic Design / 93 7.5 Alternative Flowsheet / 94 7.6 Plantwide Control / 96 7.6.1 Control Structure / 96 7.6.2 Controller Tuning / 100 7.6.3 Dynamic Performance / 101 7.7 Conclusion / 103 References / 105 8 DESIGN AND CONTROL OF THE BUTYL ACETATE PROCESS 107 8.1 Introduction / 108 8.2 Chemical Kinetics and Phase Equilibrium / 108 8.2.1 Chemical Kinetics and Chemical Equilibrium / 108 8.2.2 Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium / 110 8.3 Process Flowsheet / 112 8.3.1 Reactor / 112 8.3.2 Column C1 / 113 8.3.3 Column C2 / 113 8.3.4 Column C3 / 113 8.3.5 Flowsheet Convergence / 115 8.4 Economic Optimum Design / 117 8.4.1 Reactor Size and Temperature / 117 8.4.2 Butanol Recycle and Composition / 118 8.4.3 Distillation Column Design / 119 8.4.4 System Economics / 120 8.5 Plantwide Control / 121 8.5.1 Column C1 / 121 8.5.2 Column C2 / 122 8.5.3 Column C3 / 122 8.5.4 Plantwide Control Structure / 123 8.5.5 Dynamic Performance / 124 8.6 Conclusion / 133 References / 133 9 DESIGN AND CONTROL OF THE CUMENE PROCESS 135 9.1 Introduction / 136 9.2 Process Studied / 136 9.2.1 Reaction Kinetics / 136 9.2.2 Phase Equilibrium / 137 9.2.3 Flowsheet / 137 9.3 Economic Optimization / 140 9.3.1 Increasing Propylene Conversion / 140 9.3.2 Effects of Design Optimization Variables / 141 9.3.3 Economic Basis / 142 9.3.4 Economic Optimization Results / 143 9.4 Plantwide Control / 147 9.5 Conclusion / 158 References / 158 10 DESIGN AND CONTROL OF THE ETHYL BENZENE PROCESS 159 10.1 Introduction / 159 10.2 Process Studied / 160 10.2.1 Reaction Kinetics / 161 10.2.2 Phase Equilibrium / 162 10.2.3 Flowsheet / 163 10.3 Design of Distillation Columns / 164 10.3.1 Column Pressure Selection / 166 10.3.2 Number of Column Trays / 169 10.4 Economic Optimization of Entire Process / 169 10.5 Plantwide Control / 172 10.5.1 Distillation Column Control Structure / 172 10.5.2 Plantwide Control Structure / 173 10.5.3 Controller Tuning / 174 10.5.4 Dynamic Performance / 174 10.5.5 Modified Control Structure / 176 10.6 Conclusion / 183 References / 183 11 DESIGN AND CONTROL OF A METHANOL REACTOR/COLUMN PROCESS 185 11.1 Introduction / 185 11.2 Process Studied / 186 11.2.1 Compression and Reactor Preheating / 186 11.2.2 Reactor / 187 11.2.3 Separator, Recycle, and Vent / 187 11.2.4 Flash and Distillation / 188 11.3 Reaction Kinetics / 188 11.4 Overall and Per-Pass Conversion / 189 11.5 Phase Equilibrium / 191 11.6 Effects of Design Optimization Variables / 192 11.6.1 Economic Basis / 192 11.6.2 Effect of Pressure / 193 11.6.3 Effect of Reactor Size / 195 11.6.4 Effect of Vent/Recycle Split / 196 11.6.5 Effect of Flash-Tank Pressure / 197 11.6.6 Optimum Distillation Column Design / 198 11.7 Plantwide Control / 201 11.7.1 Control Structure / 201 11.7.2 Column Control Structure Selection / 203 11.7.3 High-Pressure Override Controller / 203 11.7.4 Dynamic Performance Results / 204 11.8 Conclusion / 209 References / 210 12 DESIGN AND CONTROL OF THE METHOXY-METHYL-HEPTANE PROCESS 211 12.1 Introduction / 211 12.2 Process Studied / 212 12.2.1 Reactor / 212 12.2.2 Column C1 / 213 12.2.3 Column C2 / 213 12.2.4 Column C3 / 213 12.3 Reaction Kinetics / 213 12.4 Phase Equilibrium / 215 12.5 Design Optimization / 215 12.5.1 Economic Basis / 216 12.5.2 Reactor Size versus Recycle Trade-Off / 216 12.6 Optimum Distillation Column Design / 220 12.6.1 Column Pressures / 220 12.6.2 Number of Stages / 220 12.6.3 Column Profiles / 222 12.7 Plantwide Control / 223 12.7.1 Control Structure / 225 12.7.2 Dynamic Performance Results / 227 12.8 Conclusion / 230 References / 231 13 DESIGN AND CONTROL OF A METHYL ACETATE PROCESS USING CARBONYLATION OF DIMETHYL ETHER 233 13.1 Introduction / 233 13.2 Dehydration Section / 234 13.2.1 Process Description of Dehydration Section / 234 13.2.2 Dehydration Kinetics / 235 13.2.3 Alternative Flowsheets / 236 13.2.4 Optimization of Three Flowsheets / 240 13.3 Carbonylation Section / 245 13.3.1 Process Description / 246 13.3.2 Carbonylation Kinetics / 247 13.3.3 Effect of Parameters / 248 13.3.4 Flowsheet Convergence / 250 13.3.5 Optimization / 251 13.4 Plantwide Control / 255 13.4.1 Control Structure / 255 13.4.2 Dynamic Performance / 261 13.5 Conclusion / 262 References / 262 14 DESIGN AND CONTROL OF THE MONO-ISOPROPYL AMINE PROCESS 263 14.1 Introduction / 263 14.2 Process Studied / 264 14.2.1 Reaction Kinetics / 264 14.2.2 Phase Equilibrium / 265 14.2.3 Flowsheet / 266 14.3 Economic Optimization / 268 14.3.1 Design Optimization Variables / 268 14.3.2 Optimization Results / 269 14.4 Plantwide Control / 270 14.4.1 Dynamic Model Sizing / 271 14.4.2 Distillation Column Control Structures / 272 14.4.3 Plantwide Control Structure / 276 14.5 Conclusion / 289 References / 290 15 DESIGN AND CONTROL OF THE STYRENE PROCESS 291 15.1 Introduction / 292 15.2 Kinetics and Phase Equilibrium / 293 15.2.1 Reaction Kinetics / 293 15.2.2 Phase Equilibrium / 294 15.3 Vasudevan et al. Flowsheet / 295 15.3.1 Reactors / 295 15.3.2 Condenser and Decanter / 295 15.3.3 Product Column C1 / 296 15.3.4 Recycle Column C2 / 298 15.4 Effects of Design Optimization Variables / 298 15.4.1 Effect of Process Steam / 298 15.4.2 Effect of Reactor Inlet Temperature / 301 15.4.3 Effect of Reactor Size / 302 15.4.4 Optimum Distillation Column Design / 303 15.4.5 Number of Reactors / 304 15.4.6 Reoptimization / 304 15.4.7 Other Improvements / 305 15.5 Proposed Design / 305 15.6 Plantwide Control / 306 15.6.1 Control Structure / 306 15.6.2 Column Control Structure Selection / 310 15.6.3 Dynamic Performance Results / 312 15.7 Conclusion / 317 References / 317 NOMENCLATURE 319 INDEX 321

WILLIAM L. LUYBEN, PhD, is a professor at Lehigh University, and the author/co-author of thirteen textbooks. He has published over 250 technical papers in the area of process control and design and has supervised thirty-five PhD dissertations He has nine years of industrial experience with Exxon and DuPont.

Reviews for Principles and Case Studies of Simultaneous Design

I highly recommend the important and all encompassing book Principles and Case Studies of Simultaneous Design by William L. Luyben, to any chemistry or engineering students, practicing chemical engineers, product designers in industry, and business leaders looking for a fresh approach to simultaneous design issues. This book will transform your company's industrial processes and product design into one of a leader in process design. (Blog Business World, 26 November 2011)<p>

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