SUZY BRAYE is Emerita Professor of Social Work at the University of Sussex, UK, and an independent consultant in adult social care and safeguarding. Her professional background is in social work, specializing in mental health, and in management of local authority children's services. As an educator and researcher, she has written widely on social work and the law, legal literacy, adult social care and self-neglect. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and Editor of the European Journal of Social Work. MICHAEL PRESTON-SHOOT is Professor of Social Work and Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at the University of Bedfordshire, UK.
This is an excellent text for social work students, practitioners and educators. The authors are able to cover a significant breadth of topics in a relatively short space due to their concise and precisely argued approach, in which readers are introduced to an impressive range of relevant case law. Their research and teaching expertise, as well as their own commitment to using the law as a tool to further social work's mission to protect those in need and promote human rights and social justice, is apparent throughout this text. A lively and engaging read. - Cath Holmstrom, Assistant Head of School (Applied Social Sciences) and Principal Lecturer of Social Work, University of Brighton, UK