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Portable Microwave and mmWave Radars for Contactless Healthcare

Emanuele Cardillo Changzhi Li



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River Publishers
29 January 2025
This book is dedicated to modern radars, describing their working principles and providing an overview on recent applications of microwave and mmWave radars for healthcare applications.

For many years, the scientific community has put significant effort into the development of advanced microwave and mmWave radar systems for healthcare applications. Young students, researchers, and professionals need a reference book which clearly and concisely describes the main principles of portable radars and identify the relevant applications of this technology.

This book is both an entry point for students and researchers new to the topic and a reference for those seeking to explore specific aspects of radar technologies in healthcare. Ultimately, the authors hope to inspire joint efforts directed towards new innovative theories, technologies, techniques, and applications of modern biomedical radar.
By:   ,
Imprint:   River Publishers
Country of Publication:   Denmark
Dimensions:   Height: 234mm,  Width: 156mm, 
Weight:   453g
ISBN:   9788770047524
ISBN 10:   8770047529
Pages:   84
Publication Date:  
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  Primary ,  Undergraduate
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Emanuele Cardillo received his M.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Messina, Italy, and Ph.D degree from the University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria, Italy, in 2013 and 2018, respectively. He is currently Senior Assistant Professor and the head of the Microwave Electronics Laboratory at the University of Messina. His research interests are focused on the microwave and mm-wave electronics field, mainly on portable radars, microwave measurements, circuit design and realization. He is the recipient of the Italian 2022 MUR PRIN project: ""Contactless And ReliAble Movement invEstigation with miLLimeter-waves rAdars"". He was the recipient of the 2018 IEEE Sensors Journal Best Student Paper Award and the 2018 IEEE MTT-S award from the IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter and the IEEE MTT-S/AP-S Italy Chapter, respectively. He is the chair of the TC ""Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Radar Sensors"" of the IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter and TC Member of the IEEE MTT-28: Biological Effects and Medical Applications of RF and Microwaves. Changzhi Li received his Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, in 2009. He is a Professor at Texas Tech University. His research interests are microwave/millimeter-wave sensing for healthcare, security, energy efficiency, structural monitoring, and human–machine interface. Dr. Li was an IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) Distinguished Microwave Lecturer, in the Tatsuo Itoh class of 2022–2024. He was a recipient of the IEEE MTT-S Outstanding Young Engineer Award, the IEEE Sensors Council Early Career Technical Achievement Award, the ASEE Frederick Emmons Terman Award, the IEEE-HKN Outstanding Young Professional Award, and the NSF Faculty Early CAREER Award. He is the General Chair of the 2024 IEEE Radio Wireless Week (RWW) in San Antonio, TX. Dr. Li is a Fellow of the IEEE and the National Academy of Inventors (NAI).

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