Seema Jain, Secretary, the Government of India, did her Masters in Sustainable Energy Policy (2016–18) in the School of Public Policy and Administration, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, and MBA (Public Policy) 2007–08 in the University of Birmingham, UK. She conducted the Census of India 2011 as Director Census Operations, Punjab, from 2009 to 2014 for which she was awarded the President of India Silver Medal. Her areas of expertise include rural development, information technology, housing and urban planning, agricultural marketing, horticulture, food processing, forests and environment, and population census taking in India. Madhav Shyam, Deputy Director, Directorate of Census, Punjab (now superannuated), has been associated with the census organisation for five decadal censuses. He was nominated by the office of Registrar Government of India (ORGI) for a ten-week Course on ‘Population Census Geography’ at the University of East Anglia, UK; a six-week Workshop on ‘GIS’ at US Bureau of Census, Washington; and a one-week Training Workshop on ‘Population and Poverty in South Asia’ organised jointly by the IIPS, Mumbai and UNESCAP. He is actively engaged in the census domain and is frequently invited to deliver lectures and talks at universities, training organisations and at other stakeholder forums.