Dr. Frank Kessel, an Emeritus Professor at the University of New Mexico, has edited volumes such as 'The Development of Language and Language Researchers' and 'The Child and Other Cultural Inventions', and is an elected Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Association for Psychological Science, and the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development.
'The breadth and depth of the scholarship represented in this volume is inspiring and humbling at the same time. Inspiring for the models of exceptional critical thinking and humbling for how clear each author is about the limits of our presently “known world” of the human mind. Every new (and senior) student of psychology should read this book as a necessary roadmap for the field's future.' Linda Mayes, Arnold Gesell Professor of Child Psychiatry, Yale University, USA 'This is a must-read volume for developmental psychologists, both faculty and students, internationally. Some of the stellar scholars of our time, who have helped shape the field of developmental psychology provide a personal and autobiographical account of the intellectual and/or socio-ideological influences that guided their work, the obstacles, both personal and institutional, they found along the way, and reflect on where their (sub-)field stands today, the current lacunae and future directions. The book will inspire young scholars, who may think that it was smooth sailing for their mentors, to address and overcome their own challenges.' Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, Professor of Psychology, University of Athens, Greece 'A glorious collection of intellectual autobiographies - beautifully crafted and well-written miniature accounts of the lives and work of contemporary stars of psychological developmental research. The meticulous editor of the volume, Frank Kessel, has for decades been a skillful shepherd of this flock and creative hub for much of its professional activity. This is his gift to the young, to the interdisciplinary history of the discipline, and to these famous scholars who he enticed to share their personal stories.' Richard A. Shweder, Harold Higgins Swift Distinguished Service Professor, University of Chicago, USA 'How does a scientific field develop? In Pillars of Developmental Psychology, forty leaders of this field reflect on their diverse career paths, showing how funding, gender, mentoring, luck and other contingent factors shaped their lives. Kessel's volume is an essential contribution to understand the history and the richness of Developmental Psychology. Insightful and inspirational.' Marga Vicedo, Professor, Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, University of Toronto, Canada 'As disciplines, psychology is young and developmental psychology, even younger. This great book incorporates narratives from leaders who've explored how human beings become human and in the process, forged a dynamic, diverse interdisciplinary field of inquiry. Rich in ideas, drama, reflection, discovery, and passion, these revealing accounts will inform and inspire readers now and in future.' Carol M. Worthman, Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Anthropology Emerita, Emory University, USA