ANGELO ALBINI is Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Pavia. His scientific investigations focus on many aspects of organic photochemistry. In addition to publishing original research articles, he has coauthored or edited three books, including Handbook of Synthetic Photochemistry (Wiley). Dr. Albini is the recipient of the Federchimica Prize, awarded for creativity in chemistry. MAURIZIO FAGNONI, PhD, is Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Pavia. His research emphasizes the application of photochemistry to sustainable organic synthesis, encompassing photocatalysis and phenyl cation chemistry. Dr. Fagnoni coedited Handbook of Synthetic Photochemistry (Wiley) and is the recipient of the Exploration of New Research Frontiers Award from Cariplo Foundation.
In summary, this book provides a new and interesting perspective on this highly topical field of organic photochemistry, and it is strongly recommended as a source of motivation for all potential users. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 1 May 2014)