Monte Lee Rice is a pastor and theological educator in Singapore, Southeast Asia. He has served within both the Assemblies of God and Anglican traditions, including several years of missionary service in West and East Africa. He received his PhD (2024) from Asia Pacific Theological Seminary, Baguio, Philippines. In Singapore he has taught at Asia Theological Centre and ACTS College.
This is a Pentecostal critical theology at its best, opening up new vistas of thought and situating Pentecostal liturgical theology as vocationally empowering both to people worshiping at the altar and those studying what happens at the worship altar in Pentecostal assemblies. Dr. Rice in this book offers the global Pentecostal academy a succinct, searing, sustained, and incisive inquiry into the nature and logics of Pentecostal liturgical theology. * Nimi Wariboko, Boston University, USA *