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Passing the Literacy Skills Test

Jim Johnson Bruce Bond



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Sage Publications
05 February 2018
The clock is ticking and before you know, it will be September! Use our popular study guides Passing the Numeracy Skills Test and Passing the Literacy Skills Test to get those pesky skills tests done and dusted asap. This fifth edition includes a full practice test, more practice questions and more question and answer commentary. Also included is more guidance on grammar, punctuation and spelling practice for the test.

You'll be more confident

These books are authored by experts who know the QTS skills tests inside out and used by thousands and thousands of aspiring teachers just like you.

You'll know what's coming

Hints, tips and handy Q&As help you fully understand the format and structure of the tests and know what to expect on the day of the test.

You'll secure your place sooner

With full practice tests and loads of practice questions these books will help you get a great score, pass the first time and secure your place on the course sooner rather than later.

You can do this!
By:   ,
Imprint:   Sage Publications
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Edition:   5th Revised edition
Dimensions:   Height: 246mm,  Width: 171mm, 
Weight:   260g
ISBN:   9781526440181
ISBN 10:   1526440180
Series:   Achieving QTS Series
Pages:   144
Publication Date:  
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Primary
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Jim Johnson is an Honorary Fellow of Nottingham Trent University where, until his retirement, he led the English team in the Department of Primary Education. Bruce Bond has been involved in writing, editing, observing, reviewing and trialling the QTS Literacy Skills Tests for over 10 years. He has also been closely associated with the national development and evaluation of the Initial Teacher Training pilots in individual learning plans, mentoring, and teaching observation and practice. /par1/After attending Goldsmiths and Rolle College in the late 1960s, he built up over 30 years of experience teaching English and literacy in the SEN, primary, secondary and further education sectors before becoming an educational consultant and author of literacy assessments. /par1//par1/Since 2000 other projects have included authoring and editing: Key Skills Communication assessments; Functional Skills English standards and assessments; and the university entry level assessment project in Mozambique. This involved travelling throughout the country working with teams of teachers and lecturers compiling standardised English objective tests./par1/ /par1/Bruce Bond is currently an associate member of AlphaPlus Consultancy Ltd.

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