Mark G. Ehrhart is a Professor at the Department of Psychology at the University of Central Florida, USA. His research interests include organizational climate and culture, organizational citizenship behavior, gratitude, leadership, and implementation. Benjamin Schneider is Professor Emeritus, University of Maryland, USA. His research interests concern organizational climate and culture, employee engagement, service quality, staffing issues, and the role of personality in organizational life. William H. Macey is Senior Research Fellow at CultureFactors, Inc., USA. He has over 35 years of experience consulting with organizations to design and implement survey research programs.
“As someone who has studied culture for years, I can say unequivocally that this is the single most comprehensive and important integration of the culture and climate research I have ever seen. It is a masterful summary of the literature and a must read for any researcher or practitioner interested in these topics. It is filled with useful insights and suggestions for research and practice.” Charles A. O'Reilly, Ph.D., Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA “Ehrhart, Schneider, and Macey have written the definitive book on climate and culture. The authors deftly summarize, synthesize and extend the complex, intersecting and sometimes contradictory climate and culture literatures with clear descriptions and helpful tables, ranging from early history to current issues like remote work and gig work. Leaders will find the practical insight in the later chapters especially helpful and practitioners will appreciate the clear, practical advice on assessing and influencing climate and culture.” Alexis Fink, Ph.D., Meta, USA “The concepts of organizational climate and culture have vexed scholars and practitioners for 60 years. Are they the same? How can they be measured—and changed? Grounded in organizational psychology and deep practice-based insight, this evidence-based book demystifies and informs and then guides change interventions. Keep it close to tap its insights on how the human experience of organizations shapes what organizations become—and what you can do about it.” Denise Rousseau, Ph.D., Heinz College and Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University, USA “Scholars and practitioners have long been intrigued by the concepts of climate and culture, and how these notions play out in today’s ever-challenging world. Who better to turn to than the scholars who “share over 100 years of experience with research and thinking on, and practical implications of, organizational culture and climate.” In this volume, the authors update their earlier work and present the proverbial “last word” on the topic. Congratulations are in order on an excellent update of knowledge in this field! I love it!” Neal M. Ashkanasy, Ph.D., UQ Business School, The University of Queensland, Australia