This book is admirably suited for use as a quick reference, or to provide a thorough background in aspiration cytology. -Modern Pathology This is a superb laboratory manual...provides clear cut criteria for diagnosis in each condition, well chosen illustrations and a careful analysis of problems...strongly recommended for all those who wish to improve their proficiency in this field. -Journal of Pathology The major strengths of the book are the large number of images, both Papanicolaou stained and air dried Geimsa based stains, and its completeness, including specific chapters on pediatric, skin, splenic, and testicular aspiration just to name a few of the more uncommon topics it covers in depth. The authors have an enormous amount of experience between them, and they seem to have put that experience on the page. The book represents a terrific resource for aspiration cytologists. Advances in Anatomic Pathology Review</p>