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Notable Women Leaders throughout History

Biography Book for Kids Children's Historical Biographies

Dissected Lives

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Dissected Lives
15 May 2019
Women, in general, have been through a lot. They were once thought of as weak and limited to household chores. But, history has told of countless stories of female struggles and successes. In this book, you will read about the lives and times, as well as achievements, of notable women throughout history. Enjoy the read!
Imprint:   Dissected Lives
Dimensions:   Height: 229mm,  Width: 152mm,  Spine: 8mm
Weight:   313g
ISBN:   9781541968806
ISBN 10:   1541968808
Pages:   104
Publication Date:  
Audience:   Children/juvenile ,  English as a second language
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Reading books are important, they educate, inform and entertain us every day but biographies and autobiographies are the most important source of inspiration when reading. Dissected Lives publishes biographies and autobiographies of people who through our history have inspired others by using their own experiences as a guiding light. Our books for adults help to motivate our readers, change their outlook on life and teaches us how to behave by learning from the past experiences of others. Biographies for our children and young adult readers not only excite and entertain but help younger readers learn about history and instills the best core values and encourages morally sound behavior. Grab a copy of a Dissected Lives Biography today!

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