Dr. Jared Johnson is an associate professor and interim director of the School of Media and Strategic Communications at Oklahoma State University. He holds a PhD from Georgia State University (2010). His research focuses on the intersection of technology and culture, with a particular focus on smaller or underrepresented cultures. He uses mixed-method approaches to study the ways people use technology and how that technology changes them. He has recently studied immigration challenges and vaccine acceptance among the immigrant Hispanic community. His work is published in journals focusing on communication and social media. Dr. Skye Cooley is an assistant professor of strategic communications in the School of Media and Strategic Communications at Oklahoma State University. He is the co - founder of the MESA group ( https: //mesagroup.okstate.edu/ ) and has served as a lead investigator on several funded grants, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the Pentagon - based Strategic Multilayer Assessment, Borders, Trade, and Immigration (BTI) Institute, and the Vaccine Confidence Fund (administered by the Globa l Impact). Dr. Cooley is also a certified HeartMath Institute Resilience Advantage Trainer and has experience leading physiological coherence training sessions. His work is widely published in academic and military intelligence communities. Dr. Asya Cooley is an assistant professor of strategic communications at Oklahoma State University (OSU) School of Media and Strategic Communications (SMSC). She is a part of the Media Ecology and Strategic Analysis (MESA) Research Group addressing the ris ing need for strategic narrative assessment as a tool for promoting cooperative assistance and creating community power. She holds a doctoral degree in public policy and administration. Dr. Cooley conducted a number of research projects focusing on interna tional communications, nonprofit communications and healthcare communications. Prior to joining OSU, she served as a director of development at Mississippi State University Foundation.