Dr Vlad Stolojan is a Lecturer in Nanomaterials Characterisation, working in the Advanced Technology Institute as part of the Nano-Electronics Centre. He is a member of the Institute of Physics and a fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society. Dr Stolojan is an alumnus of University of East Anglia (BSc Physics, 1996) and of the University of Cambridge (PhD Physics, 2001: ""Nanochemistry of grain boundaries in iron""). He first joined the University of Surrey's School of Engineering in 2001 as an expert in electron microscopy and energy-loss spectroscopy, continuing as an RCUK Fellow with the University of Surrey's Electronic Engineering department, in Professor Ravi Silva's group. Dr Stolojan is an author of more than 80 peer-reviewed publications, a reviewer for a number of journals (Carbon, Applied Surface Science, Ultramicroscopy, etc) and a member of the Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology Panel of the National Council for Certification of University Degrees, Romania (CNATDCU).