Joseph H. Petersonhas been studying esoteric texts for decades, intrigued by the Renaissance intellectual and experimental approach to spirituality. Hehas translated many esoteric and religious source works and amassed a large collection of rare and occult tracts for comparative research from the British Library and other institutions, which he shares on his award-winning websites and Peterson's published works include The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses, Elucidation of Necromancy, The Sworn Book of Honorius, and The Secrets of Solomon: A Witch's Handbook from the Trial Records of the Inquisition. Peterson has a degree in chemical engineering from the University of Minnesota, where he also studied various languages and religions. He lives near Rochester, Minnesota.
"""The Enochian Magic practiced by the Hermetic order of Golden Dawn, Aleister Crowley, and later magicians is significantly different from how the system was conceived of by John Dee. Even those who work the system from modern perspectives should understand how it was birthed. The last twenty years have seen an unprecedented amount of scholarly research into grimoires, magical texts, and famous magicians of the past. Joseph Peterson was at the forefront of this movement and remains the leading scholar in the field. His dedication to updating his own research and publications is invaluable. This book is not just a fancier version of the older edition; it's a true update that reflects changes in his own thinking and new research that has been done by others. Anyone interested in Renaissance Magic, or Enochian Magic, will want this on their shelf."" --Jason Miller, author of Consorting with Spirits and other books and courses ""Joseph H. Peterson's authoritative edition of Dr. John Dee's Mysteriorum Libri Quinque has long been an essential cornerstone of every serious occult student's library. It reveals the primary texts of Dee's angelic sessions--one of the most important events in the entire history of magick. Luckily, Peterson has greatly expanded his Mysteriorum for this new third edition, taking full advantage of over two decades of breakthroughs in Dee research. This is an absolutely welcome contribution to our ongoing golden age of revitalized occult scholarship--if you're interested in Western magick, just get it!"" --Jason Louv, author of John Dee & the Empire of Angels and head instructor at www.Magick.Me ""The adage, 'Go big or go home!' can aptly be applied to Joseph Peterson's Mysteriorum Libri Quinque, or more readily known as John Dee's Five Books of Mysteries. Those familiar with Peterson's earlier work will recognize the service provided by Peterson is invaluable in understanding Enochian magic contextually within the framework of the 'revelations' provided by the angels, but also in understanding Dee and the world in which he lived. By this I mean, it is a book with lots of footnotes and you will want to read them, as much insight is provided 'right on the edges' not unlike the very revelations that were given to Dee through Kelly. The translation, notes, and commentary make it a spectacular piece of publishing, while its size and clothbound binding make it a wonderful piece of printing. You will be pleased have this volume resting on your shelf as well as reading through it sipping some tea on a rainy afternoon, not unlike what Dee might have done at Mortlake."" --Mark Stavish, M.A., director of the Institute for Hermetic Studies and author of Between the Gates"