Mugshots is stylish, charismatic and tense. With absolutely striking art. -- Tom Taylor (<I>Nightwing, Injustice</I>) Bad people doing bad things to get out of a bad situation. Mugshots is the best new crime comic in a long damn time. -- Matthew Rosenberg (<I>What's The Furthest Place From Here, 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank</I>) Mugshots is one of those rare comics that gets better and better with every page. Intelligent storytelling on every level! -- Dan Panosian (<I>Canary, Slots</I>) Mugshots is clean and crisp, and gorgeously crafted. It’s cool crime drama of the highest caliber. -- Jill Thompson (<I>The Sandman, Wonder Woman</I>) Thomas and Matthews deliver the best crime comic since 100 Bullets. A stylish gut-punch of a debut. -- Karl Kerschl (<I>Gotham Academy, Brave & The Bold</I>) A beautifully-designed Parker-esque crime comic -- Rob Williams (<I>Judge Dredd, Petrol Head</I>) Mugshots is the stylistic successor to the two-tone pulp world of Darwyn Cooke's Parker. This gorgeously rendered book is a seedy deep-dive into the UK criminal underworld filled with wisecracking felons and terrifying gangsters. A potent mixture of murder, mayhem, and heart ensure that Thomas and Matthews have hit the jackpot with this one. -- Chris Condon (<I>That Texas Blood, The Enfield Gang Massacre</I>) Mugshots is an edgy crime drama which, like most great crime stories, is ultimately about where family meets power. -- Mark Russell (<I>Not all Robots, Fantastic Four: Life Story</I>) A rich story wrapped in bold visuals that creates a superb visual experience. Highly stylistic and original, Mugshots confirms Thomas and Matthews as unique talents. -- André Lima Araújo (<I>A Righteous Thirst For Vengeance, Phenomena</I>) A classic crime story with lively twists and engaging illustrations. * <I>Kirkus Reviews</I> *