An Overview of Renewable Energy Global energy demand is an ever-increasing crisis due to massive industrialization, automation and the socio-economic lifestyle of the growing population. ""Energy Outlook -2020"" unveiled by British petroleum released an insight report on the evolving energy transition scenario in India, stated that, the energy requirement in India is steeply increasing and estimated as one of the leading consumers of natural coal and oil in 2050 to satisfy the energy demand.[1] The United States Energy Information Administrations ""International Energy Outlook"" has also predicted that the world energy consumption will almost double (56%) in 2040 compared to 2010, from 524 quadrillion British thermal units (Btu) to 820 quadrillion Btu.[2] Besides, global carbon dioxide (CO2) emission is increasing constantly. The global CO2 emission in 2019 was -46 metric Gigatons and it is expected to be almost 75 metric Gigatons per annum in 2040.