Dr. John S. Hendricks has been one of the principal developers/leader of MCNP® software for more than 30 years. In addition, he has taught more than 100 MCNP classes and consulted internationally on the effective use of MCNP software. In 2007, he was elected fellow to the American Nuclear Society for his contributions to Monte Carlo development. Dr. Martyn T. Swinhoe was awarded the Vincent J. DeVito Distinguished Service Award in 2017 from the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management for—among many other achievements—pioneering the use of MCNP software for instrument design and enhancing the analysis of existing data sets to draw additional conclusions for nuclear materials management. Dr. Andrea Favalli was elected fellow to the American Physical Society in 2020 for his outstanding application of the methods and underlying science of nuclear physics to the crucial issues of nuclear safeguards and security. His work has focused on nondestructive assay of nuclear materials, ranging from new analytical approaches to experimental measurements.