Mind4Survival is an easy-to-learn system that teaches you to ""Be Prepared, Not Scared."" Brian Duff's empowering preparedness philosophy teaches you his mindset for surviving any crisis, minimizing unwanted struggle, and living your best possible life.
The M4S philosophy: Mindset, Situational Awareness, Survival, Safety, and Self replaces the typical doom and gloom of preparedness with an anxiety-reducing, confidence-building approach to keeping you and your family safe when it matters most. This is a must-read for every preparedness-minded person, both non-preppers and preppers alike.
Lifelong preparedness advocate and former Army Ranger Brian Duff saved his first life at 16. Since then, he's spent decades traveling the globe-keeping others safe in some of the most dangerous places imaginable. Through his experiences, he's learned from some of the best, survived some of the worst, and, in so doing, developed his Mind4Survival philosophy that's been decades in the making.
In this book, you'll discover how to:
Jumpstart your preparedness to be ready for whatever happens. Manage your cognitive biases to supercharge your self-reliance. Use metrics to manage your risk and keep your family safe without wasting time and money. Gain the situational awareness to make the best decisions possible. Look upon preparedness as an opportunity to worry less and live more.
Mind4Survival is the foundational resource that unites all other prepping methods. Don't wait. Start building your Mind4Survival today!