Stuart Jackson received the BSc and the BSc(Hons) degrees in 1989 and 1990 respectively from the University of Newcastle (Australia). In 1990, he joined the Centre for Lasers and Applications at Macquarie University to undertake research toward the PhD degree, which he received in 1996. In 1995, he joined the Laser Photonics Group at the University of Manchester and initiated the research there into high power fibre laser development. In 1999 he joined the Optical Fibre Technology Centre at the University of Sydney where he became a Senior Research Fellow and Technical Manager of silicate fibre fabrication. In 2009 he joined the School of Physics at the University of Sydney as a Queen Elizabeth II Fellow funded by the Australia Research Council. In 2014 he joined Macquarie University’s School of Engineering. His interests include diode-pumped solid-state lasers, spectroscopy, nonlinear optics and integrated optics. Dr. Réal Vallée is a full Professor in the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics, and Optics at Université Laval, Québec, Canada. His interests include mid-Infrared sources and components, laser-matter interaction and photo-inscribed integrated photonic devices. Dr. Martin Bernier is a professor in the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics, and Optics at Université Laval, Québec, Canada. His interests include Bragg gratings inscribed by femtosecond lasers in various transparent materials as well as the development of Bragg grating-based fiber lasers and sensors.