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Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC18F

M. Rafiquzzaman (California State Polytechnic University)



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John Wiley & Sons Inc
28 January 2025
Straightforward and comprehensive textbook on programming and interfacing techniques for the PIC18F4321 microcontroller, supported by hundreds of illustrations throughout

Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC18F presents core information on the theory of microcontrollers and the fundamental concepts of assembly and C language programming and interfacing techniques associated with the Microchip's PIC18F4321 microcontroller. Characteristics and principles common to typical microcontrollers are emphasized, and basic microcontroller interfacing techniques are demonstrated via examples using the simplest possible devices such as switches, LEDs, Seven-Segment Displays, and the hexadecimal keyboard. In addition, interfacing the PIC18F with other devices such as LCD displays, ADC, DAC is also included. Furthermore, topics such as CCP (Capture, Compare, PWM) and Serial I/O using assembly and C languages along with simple examples are also provided.

Information on the design of the PIC18F-based digital DC voltmeter and interfacing the PIC18F with PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) mode to a DC motor using both assembly and C languages is provided. Finally, PIC18F Serial I/O examples using both SPI and I2C modes are also included. All these examples are illustrated by means of successful implementations in the laboratory.

Building on the success of previous editions, this Third Edition has been extensively revised to include enhanced clarity in each chapter and additional illustrations, end-of-chapter problems, and examples. Certain concepts such as stack, bank-memory, programmed I/O, interrupt I/O, and CCP have been rewritten to better relate them to the PIC18F. Details on the MPLABX assembler/debugger and XC8 C-Compiler are now included as well.

Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC18F includes information on:

Microcontroller data types, unsigned and signed binary numbers and

ASCII code, unpacked and packed binary-coded-decimal numbers, and the evolution of the microcontroller Provides guidelines on how to choose the right language (Assembly or C ) for specific applications PIC18F architecture and addressing modes, covering register architecture, memory organization, and program and data memories Programming PIC18F programmed I/O, interrupt I/O, and interfacing PIC18F4321 to a hexadecimal keyboard and a seven-segment display ADC, DAC, CCP, and Serial I/O interfacing techniques

Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC18F is an essential learning resource for students in related programs of study seeking information on basic concepts relating to a specific and simple microcontroller such as the PIC18F in an organized and simplified manner.
Imprint:   John Wiley & Sons Inc
Country of Publication:   United States
Edition:   3rd edition
Dimensions:   Height: 257mm,  Width: 185mm,  Spine: 33mm
Weight:   998g
ISBN:   9781394318230
ISBN 10:   1394318235
Pages:   496
Publication Date:  
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  Undergraduate
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Preface xiii About the Companion Website xvii 1 Introduction to Microcontrollers 1 1.1 Explanation of Terms 3 1.2 Microcontroller Data Types 7 1.2.1 Unsigned and Signed Binary Numbers 7 1.2.2 ASCII and EBCDIC Codes 9 1.2.3 Unpacked and Packed Binary-Coded-Decimal Numbers 10 1.3 Evolution of the Microcontroller 10 1.4 Embedded Controllers 14 2 Microcontroller Basics 15 2.1 Basic Blocks of a Microcomputer 15 2.1.1 System Bus 16 2.1.2 Clock Signals 17 2.2 Microcontroller Architectures 18 2.3 Central Processing Unit (CPU) 19 2.3.1 Register Section 19 2.3.2 Control Unit 28 2.3.3 Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) 29 2.3.4 Simplified Explanation of Control Unit Design 29 2.4 Basic Concept of Pipelining 30 2.5 RISC Versus CISC 32 2.6 Functional Representation of a Typical Microcontroller – The PIC18F 4321 33 Questions and Problems 34 3 Microcontroller Memory and Input/Output (I/O) 37 3.1 Introduction to Microcontroller Memory 37 3.1.1 Main Memory 38 3.1.2 READ and WRITE Timing Diagrams 40 3.1.3 Main Memory Organization 42 3.2 Microcontroller Input/Output (I/O) 45 3.2.1 Overview of Digital Output Circuits 47 3.2.2 Simple I/O Devices 49 3.2.3 Programmed I/O 51 3.2.4 Unconditional and Conditional Programmed I/O 52 3.2.5 Interrupt I/O 53 Questions and Problems 56 4 Programming Languages 61 4.1 Computer Programming Languages 61 4.2 Machine Language 62 4.3 Assembly Language 63 4.3.1 Types of Assemblers 64 4.3.2 Assembler Delimiters 65 4.3.3 Specifying Numbers by Typical Assemblers 65 4.3.4 Assembler Directives or Pseudoinstructions 65 4.3.5 Assembly Language Instruction Formats 67 4.3.6 Typical Instruction Set 69 4.3.7 Typical Addressing Modes 75 4.3.8 Subroutine Calls in Assembly Language 76 4.4 High-Level Language 77 4.5 Introduction to C Language 78 4.5.1 Data Types 81 4.5.2 Bit Manipulation Operators 81 4.5.3 Control Structures 83 4.5.4 The if-else Construct 83 4.5.5 The switch Construct 84 4.5.6 The while Construct 85 4.5.7 The for Construct 86 4.5.8 The do-while Construct 87 4.5.9 Structures and Unions 87 4.5.10 Functions in c 88 4.5.11 Arrays 89 4.5.12 Macros 89 4.6 Choosing a Programming Language 90 4.7 Flowcharts 90 Questions and Problems 91 5 PIC18F Architecture and Addressing Modes 93 5.1 Basic Features of the PIC18F Family 93 5.2 PIC18F Register Architecture 96 5.3 PIC18F Memory Organization 99 5.3.1 PIC18F Program Memory 100 5.3.2 PIC18F Data Memory 100 5.4 PIC18F Addressing Modes 104 5.4.1 Literal or Immediate Addressing Mode 104 5.4.2 Inherent or Implied Addressing Mode 104 5.4.3 Direct or Absolute Addressing Mode 105 5.4.4 Indirect Addressing Mode 105 5.4.5 Relative Addressing Mode 111 5.4.6 Bit Addressing Mode 113 Questions and Problems 113 6 Assembly Language Programming with the PIC18F: Part 1 115 6.1 Introduction to the PIC18F MPLAB Assembler 115 6.2 PIC18F Instruction Format 119 6.3 PIC18F Instruction Set 121 6.3.1 Data Movement Instructions 123 6.3.2 Arithmetic Instructions 128 6.3.3 Logic Instructions 137 6.3.4 Rotate Instructions 140 6.3.5 Bit Manipulation Instructions 144 6.3.6 PIC18F Test, Compare, and Skip instructions 147 Questions and Problems 153 7 Assembly Language Programming with the PIC18F: Part 2 157 7.1 PIC18F Jump/Branch Instructions 157 7.2 PIC18F Table Read/Write Instructions 159 7.3 PIC18F Subroutine Instructions 163 7.4 PIC18F System Control Instructions 165 7.5 PIC18F Hardware Versus Software Stack 165 7.6 Multiplication and Division Algorithms 173 7.6.1 Signed Multiplication Algorithm 173 7.6.2 Unsigned Division Algorithm 175 7.6.3 Signed Division Algorithm 177 7.7 Advanced Programming Examples 179 7.8 PIC18F Delay Routine 183 Questions and Problems 185 8 PIC18F Programmed I/O Using Assembly & C 189 8.1 PIC18F Pins and Signals 189 8.1.1 Clock 194 8.1.2 PIC18F Reset 198 8.1.3 High-Voltage and Low-Voltage Programming (HVP and LVP) 200 8.1.4 “pragma config” and “config” Directives 200 8.1.5 A Simplified Setup for the PIC18F 4321 201 8.1.6 Downloading Programs into the PIC18F4321 Using the PICKit3 Interface 202 8.2 PIC18F4321 Programmed I/O 202 8.2.1 I/O Instructions in PIC18F Assembly 206 8.2.2 Configuring PIC18F4321 I/O Ports Using PIC18F Assembly 206 8.2.3 configuring PIc18F4321 I/O Ports Using c 208 8.2.4 Interfacing LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes) and Seven-Segment Displays 210 8.2.5 Programmed I/O Examples Using PIC18F Assembly 211 8.2.6 Programmed I/O Examples Using C Language 215 Questions and Problems 222 9 PIC18F Interrupt I/O, LCD, and Keyboard Interfacing 227 9.1 Basics of Polled I/O Versus Interrupt I/O 227 9.1.1 Interrupt I/O 228 9.2 PIC18F Interrupts 233 9.2.1 Interrupt Procedure 233 9.2.2 PIC18F Interrupt Types 233 9.2.3 Programming the PIC18F External Interrupts 234 9.2.4 Programming PIC18F External Interrupts Using Assembly 239 9.2.5 Programming PIc18F External Interrupts Using c 240 9.2.6 Accessing PIC18F On-Chip Peripheral Devices Using Polled I/O Versus Interrupt I/O 249 9.3 PIC18F Interface to a Typical LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) 250 9.4 Interfacing PIC18F4321 to a Hexadecimal Keyboard and a Seven-Segment Display 257 9.4.1 Basics of Keyboard and Display Interface to a Microcontroller 257 9.4.2 PIC18F4321 Interface to a Hexadecimal Keyboard and a Seven-Segment Display 258 Questions and Problems 266 10 PIC18F Timers and Analog Interface 271 10.1 PIC18F Timers 271 10.1.1 Timer 0 273 10.1.2 Timer 1 282 10.1.3 Timer 2 288 10.1.4 Timer 3 292 10.2 Analog Interface 302 10.2.1 PIC18F On-Chip ADC (A/D Converter) 302 10.2.2 Interfacing an External D/A converter Using c 315 Questions and Problems 316 11 PIC18F CCP and Serial I/O 321 11.1 PIC18F CCP (Capture/Compare/PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)) Module 321 11.1.1 CCP Registers 322 11.1.2 CCP Modules and Associated Timers 322 11.1.3 PIC18F4321 Capture Mode 322 11.1.4 PIC18F4321 Compare Mode 326 11.1.5 PIC18F4321 PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) Mode 329 11.2 dc Motor Control 332 11.3 Serial Interface 336 11.3.1 Synchronous Serial Data Transmission 337 11.3.2 Asynchronous Serial Data Transmission 337 11.3.3 Basics of SPI and I2c 337 11.4 PIC18F Serial I/O 338 11.4.1 PIC18F SPI Mode 338 11.4.2 PIC18F I2C (Inter-integrated Circuit) Mode 348 Questions and Problems 358 Appendix A Answers to Selected Problems 361 Appendix B Glossary 369 Appendix C PIC18F Instruction Set (Alphabetical Order) 379 Appendix D PIC18F Instruction Set – Details 383 Appendix E PIC18F4321 Special Function Registers 429 Appendix F Tutorial for Assembling and Debugging a PIC18F Assembly Language Program Using the MPLAB X 431 Appendix G Tutorial for Compiling and Debugging a C-Program Using the Microchip’s XC8 Compiler 447 Appendix H Interfacing the PIC18F4321 to a Personal Computer or Laptop Using PICkitTM 4 463 Bibliography 469 Index 471

M. Rafiquzzaman, Ph.D., P.E, Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA. Professor Rafiquzzaman has over 50 years of academic and industrial experience. He has authored 18 books (including all editions) on digital logic, microprocessors, microcontrollers, and computer architecture. His first popular book on microprocessors was published by Wiley in 1982 and his other books are published by Wiley, Prentice-Hall, CRC Press, Harper & Row, and West Publishing. Dr. Rafiquzzaman is a member of the US Olympic committee. He managed Swimming, Diving, and Synchronized Swimming events of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee. He is currently President of Rafi Systems Inc., a high tech cataract lens manufacturing company in California.

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