Mohammad Tariqul Islam (Senior Member, IEEE) is a Professor at the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Systems Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). He has authored around 600 research journal articles, nearly 200 conference articles, and a few book chapters on various topics related to antennas, metamaterials, and microwave imaging, and has 25 inventory patents filed. Thus far, his publications have been cited 11400 times and his H-index is 49 (Source: Scopus). His Google scholar citation is 18,500 and H-index is 57. He was an Associate Editor of IET Electronics Letter. He also serves as the Guest Editor, Sensor’s journal, Nanomaterials (MDPI), Editorial board member, Scientific Reports, Nature group and an Associate Editor for IEEE ACCESS. He has supervised about 50 Ph.D. theses, 30 M.Sc. theses, and has mentored more than 10 postdocs and Visiting scholars. He has developed the Antenna Measurement Laboratory which includes antenna design and measurement facility till 40 GHz.