"JOSHUA FREE is a mystic philosopher, world-renowned underground occult expert and prolific author of over 60 books on ancient history, esoteric archeology, alternative science, practical occultism, and NexGen Systemology since 1995. He has been involved with practical Earth Magick since he was 12, starting with his first initiation into Pheryllt Druidism in the mid-1990's and is Bard of the Twelfth Chair at New Forest Centre for Magickal Studies. He independently founded Mardukite Ministries (Mardukite Zuism) in 2008, and is the Director of the Mardukite Research Organization (now Mardukite Academy) along with its advanced New Thought division, The Systemology Society. In 2020, he relocated his HQ to the Colorado San Luis Valley and launched the Founding Church of Mardukite Zuism and Mardukite Academy of Systemology. DAVID ZIBERT is one of the original Mardukite Chamberlains Alumni and council-members, a Mardukite Truth Seeker Press (Joshua Free Imprint) publications officer, a minister and high priest of Mardukite Zuism, an instructor for Mardukite Academy and professional Systemology Pilot. In addition to providing forewords to several titles by Joshua Free (including ""Babylonian Myth & Magic"", ""Elvenomicon"" and ""The Vampyre's Handbook""), he is best known for his authorized French translation editions of the 'Mardukite Core', such as: ""Le Necronomicon du Nouveau Millénaire: Le Grimoire Égypto-Babylonien"", ""La Bible Anunnaki: Les Écrits Cunéiformes (Nouvelle Édition Zuiste Française)"", ""Le Necronomicon: (Édition française)"", ""Les Liturgies du Nécronomicon: Textes sacrés babyloniens, égyptiens et zoroastriens"" and ""Le Livre de Marduk par Nabu: Le Livret Dévotionnel des Mardukites"""