This book is a beautiful Benedictine tribute to the Carmelite tradition, understood in the wider context of its major sources. -✠ Xavier Perrin, OSB, abbot of Quarr Abbey and author of The Radiance of Her Face & The School of St. Benedict An elegantly anonymous nun of Stanbrook Abbey provides us with a similarly elegant, concise, and erudite summary of the tradition of mysticism which surrounded the life of St John of the Cross. -Hugh Barbour, O.Praem., St Michael's AbbeyThis book is a gift for anyone who seeks historical grounding as well as sound guidance on the pathways from prayer to contemplation. -Carol Zaleski, Professor of World Religions at Smith College, author of The Life of the World to Come, and co-author with Philip Zaleski of Prayer: A HistoryIn this admirable volume, the Christian mystical tradition is presented in both its breadth and depth, and in a scholarly and historically sensitive way. Even those well versed in mystical theology will learn plenty from studying this instructive volume. -Sebastian Morello, Ph.D., author of Mysticism, Magic, and Monasteries: Recovering the Sacred Mystery at the Heart of Reality