The book highlights mechanical, thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties, and characterization of additive manufactured products in a single volume. It will serve as an ideal reference text for graduate students and academic researchers in diverse engineering fields including industrial, manufacturing, and materials science.
This text
Explains mechanical properties like hardness, tensile strength, impact strength, and flexural strength of additive manufactured components Discusses characterization of components fabricated by different additive manufacturing processes including fusion deposition modeling, and selective laser sintering Highlights corrosion behavior of additive manufactured polymers, metals, and composites Covers thermal, electrical, and magnetic properties of additively manufactured materials Illustrates intrinsic features and their Influence on mechanical properties of additive manufactured products
This text discusses properties, wear behavior and characterization of components produced by additive manufacturing technology. These products find applications in diverse fields including design, manufacturing and tooling, aerospace, automotive industry, and biomedical industry. It will further help the readers in understanding the parameters that influence the mechanical behavior and characterization of components manufactured by additive manufacturing processes. It will serve as an ideal reference text for graduate students and academic researchers in the fields of industrial engineering, manufacturing engineering, automotive engineering, aerospace engineering, and materials science.
Chapter 1 4D Printing Technology For Health Care Applications Paulraj G, Brucely Y, Thilak M Chapter 2 Additive Manufactured Components For Medical Applications Balasubramanian S Chapter 3 Mechanical property of additive manufactured stainless steels Rameshkumar K A, Prakash K, Maadeswaran P and Ganapathi A Chapter 4 Fundamentals of Additive Manufacturing Technology and Future Outlooks Muraliraja R, VijayAnanth Suyamburajan, Shaisundaram V S, Padmanabhan S Chapter 5 Biocompatibility of Additively Manufactured Materials Mugilan T, Aezhisai Vallavi M S, Madhuvanthi N S, Sridhar, Sridharan V Chapter 6 Fusion Deposit Molding Composite material used in a Beam Application Periyaswamy P , Bovas Herbert Bejaxhin A, Jenaris D S , Naveen E, Ramanan N Chapter 7 A Novel surface modification and mechanical characteristics on 3D-printed PLA-Al composite using laser surface irradiation Navaneetha Krishnan M, Suresh S, Emmy Prema C Chapter 8 3D Printable Titanium Alloys and their Properties in Biomedical Applications: State of Art Anmol Sharma, Pushpendera S. Bharti, Ashish Kaushik, Upender Punia, Ramesh Kumar Garg, Mohit Yadav, Deepak Chhabra Chapter 9 Corrosion behaviour of additive manufactured materials and composites Raghav G R, Nagarajan K J, Ashokkumar R, Gibin George, Jenson Joseph E Chapter 10 Microstructure and Mechanical properties of Al7075 and Al7075 based Hybrid Metal Matrix Composites by additive manufacturing Ashok raj R, Pavendhan R, Kumaragurubaran B, Santhosh prakash A Chapter 11 Key Thermal properties of Stainless Steel Deposits for Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Sowrirajan M, Siva Shanmugam N and Rajesh Kannan A Chapter 12 Review on properties of additive manufactured materials and composites Francis Luther King M Chapter 13 Fused Deposition Modeling in Knee arthroplasty: Review with the current and novelterials Prashant Veer , Pabla B S , Jatinder Madan , Vettivel S C Chapter 14 Wear and Surface Roughness of Additive Manufacturing Materials and Composites Arunprasath K, Selvakumar P, Vijayakumar M, Manikandan V, Kakur Naresh Chapter 15 Electrochemical Behaviour of Inconel 718 Alloy Developed Through Additive Manufacturing Process Anush Raj B, Winowlin Jappes J T, Adam Khan M, Jani S P Chapter 16 Studies on Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing of Shape Memory Alloys Prashanna Rangan R, Gurusamy Visvanathan, Mohandass , Pitchandi K Chapter 17 Mechanical and Tribological Behavioral Study of Metal Additive Manufactured AlSi10Mg alloy Kumar M, Ravikumar K, Arunkumar P, Dhanabal A Chapter 18 Design and development of customized finger prosthesis with novel mechanism using additive manufacturing Sivakumar Ganesan, Senthilmurugan Arumugam, Mohan Pushparaj, Rajesh Ranganathan
Dr. K. Ravi Kumar is currently the Professor and Associate Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India. completed his B.E. - Mechanical Engineering in 2001 from Bharathiyar University and M.E. - Production Engineering in 2002 from Annamalai University. He received his Ph.D degree from Anna University in the area of Composite Materials in 2013. He is into the teaching profession since 2003 and has handled engineering education in various capacities. His areas of research include composite materials, unconventional machining, optimization, characterization and additive manufacturing. He has received grants from agencies like ICMR, SERB, Anna University for conducting seminars, workshops and FDPs. He has also published five patents to his credit. He has published more than 30 research articles and 2 book chapters in various reputed publications. His publications have widely been cited by researchers. He has also presented and published more than 20 papers in various International and National conferences. He has authored a book on ""CNC Technology"" and also authored a text book on Additive Manufacturing and is under production. He is an active reviewer and editorial board member for various international journals that includes Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, SAGE, and Deguyter publications. Presently, 7 scholars are pursuing their Ph.D programs under his guidance. He is an active member of professional societies namely IE (I), ISTE and SAE. Dr. Vettivel S C is currently working in the Department of Mechanical Engineering Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology (Degree Wing), Sector 26, Chandigarh, India. He has completed his B.E. - Mechanical Engineering in 2001 from Monomaniam Sundaranar University, Tamilnadu and M.E. - Production Engineering in 2002 from Annamalai University, Tamilnadu, India. He received his Ph.D degree from Anna University Chennai, Tamilnadu India in the area of Nano Composite Materials through Powder Metallurgy in 2013. He has 20 years teaching experience and has handled engineering education in various capacities. His areas of research include composite materials, unconventional machining, optimization, welding, characterization and additive manufacturing. He has been granted with one international patent and also published five patents to his credit. He has published 4 books, 70+ research articles and 1 book chapters in various reputed publications. Presently, 2 scholars are pursuing their Ph.D programs under his guidance. He is an active member of ISTE. Prof. R. Subramanian is currently working as Professor, Department of Metallurgical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. He completed his M.Tech in Metallurgy from IIT Kanpur and Ph.D Bharathiar University. He has about 35 years of Work experience in Teaching and Research . He has received funds worth nearly 100 lakhs from DRDO,DST and TATA STEEL Ltd to carry out research work. He has published more than 75 articles in reputed national and international journals. He has Co-Authored : 2 books ( Heat Treatment and Non-Destructive Testing and Powder Metallurgy) and a Chapter in a Monograph on Boron Carbide. 20 scholars has received Ph D under his guidance.