Stephen Wyatt is Professor of Strategy and Leadership at the University of Bath. For over 25 years he has been a business consultant focused on developing leaders and enabling organizations to thrive in highly dynamic environments. He is also Affiliate Faculty at Singapore Management University and Industrial Associate at the University of Cambridge, and serves on the boards of the Global Innovation Management Institute and the Management Consulting Institute.
""The 4th Industrial Revolution is disrupting businesses and beliefs all the way to the very concept of risk and performance. Professor Steve Wyatt demonstrates with extensive insight why and how leadership, above and beyond technology, is going to be the most important asset to compete dynamically and drive enduring growth. A thought-provoking and actionable read for anyone in the business. Dip in and out, there are treasures and actionable insights throughout the book."" * Alessandro Bogliolo, Chief Executive Officer, Tiffany & Co. * ""Steve Wyatt's development of a new form of competitive advantage (for the 4th Industrial Revolution) addresses an age-old strategy issue. How can the firm most effectively compete in the present - while at the same time investing in resources and capabilities to catch the next wave of competitive advantage? It is foundational thinking - along with a practical set of easy-to-use tools - that will help shape the evolution of the field of strategy."" * Professor Bernie Jaworski, Dean and Peter F Drucker Chair of Management, Peter F Drucker School of Management, University of Southern California * ""This is a brilliant piece of work by Steve Wyatt, skillfully balancing the strategic agility with purpose-led leadership as critical enablers to compete and win sustainably in the 4th Industrial Revolution. Steve's deep insights from emerging markets, supported by research and reflections, paint a compelling picture for change in the leadership narrative. Humanity in leadership or human-centred workforce management, which Steve has called out as one of the key elements of leadership in 4IR, will be the single biggest differentiator between success and failure of leaders. Having known Steve for a while and seen his work, there was no one better placed than him to create this masterpiece."" * Atul Khosla, Senior Vice President and Global Head of Talent, Learning and Organization Effectiveness, Mondelez International * ""Management and Leadership in the 4th Industrial Revolution is a critical read given the current global environment and the changing expectations and responsibilities of corporations. The 4th Industrial Revolution and the shift toward purpose-driven business strategy is already having a profound impact on the global economy, businesses and people. It's imperative that leaders today adopt a more human-centred and multi-stakeholder approach to grow responsibly and better serve everyone. Steve details how values-based strategy and business growth are not at odds with one another, but required for sustainable, purpose-led growth. This book is a must read for leaders looking to drive impactful growth in this new landscape."" * Jonathan Auerbach, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy, Growth and Data Officer, PayPal * ""Steve masterfully brings together his private sector and academic careers to codify and enunciate what many managers in various industries have been dealing with as a result of the massive changes taking place as part of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The ideas and thoughts outlined in this book force a re-evaluation of strategy and management from a completely fresh perspective and spurs the re-thinking of fundamental principles that many of us took for granted in leadership, talent management, and technological innovation. Reflections upon the principles that Steve brings forth will help equip all leaders to embrace disruption as opportunity rather than challenge - driving sustainable growth and innovation."" * Luke Kang, Executive Vice President, Managing Director, North Asia, The Walt Disney Company * ""A thought provoking and game changing book that perfectly captures the challenges and new realities of the 4IR! Steve is proposing genuine and pragmatic solutions anchored in real business transformation experiences from the most successful corporations on the planet. A must read for anyone looking to accelerate growth, transform continuously and stay ahead!"" * Julien Hemard, Chief Transformation Officer, Group Sales, Pernod Ricard * ""Fresh thinking from an experienced strategist who has also 'rolled up his sleeves'. Steve Wyatt's analysis and insight into leadership and management for the VUCA world shaped by the 4th Industrial Revolution should be mandated reading for those who lead businesses and those who advise and support them. 'More of the same' is not enough to survive, let alone thrive; with a clear focus on the organization and people therein this book will help shape your strategy, thinking and approach to the world at work - a handbook for success. A consultant and academic, Steve writes with an engaging, entertaining and educational style - you'll want to keep reading, and you'll want to apply what you read!"" * Mark Hewett, Vice President, Capgemini Invent * ""Prof. Steve Wyatt has a gem in writing. I highly appreciate the valuable insights and examples he provided in this book - first-hand from his work with prominent organizations around the world, particularly in Asia. In a fast-changing world with increasing complexities, being resilient and fast adapting is critical for business sustainability. Understanding Dynamic Capacity and how to harness it in one's organization will be critical in building the leadership and organization capabilities required for business sustainability and ongoing success. A great read with fresh perspectives."" * Bryan Loo, Vice President/General Manager, Asia Pacific, Envista * ""Only a consultant with tons of experience fixing companies across the globe could possibly provide these insights. Only a Professor with years of teaching experience could communicate these insights in a meaningful and easy way. Prof. Steve Wyatt is both, and in his book Management & Leadership in the 4th Industrial Revolution he helps leaders decrease uncertainty through sensing. He helps leaders facing ambiguity to seize and replicate opportunities. He helps leaders in complex environments simplify choices by reconfiguring options. This is a playbook for every business leader wanting to navigate and lead their organization through the 4th Industrial Revolution and beyond."" * Hitendra Patel, Founder and CEO of IXL Center, Innovation Thought Leader, New Ventures Investor, President, Global Innovation Management Institute * ""People often say, ""Talent will trump strategy"" - but why not have both! With Steve's unique background of both strategy consulting and human capital advisory he can really bring the best of both worlds together. As the world continues to transform at pace, it's increasingly clear that understanding how talent drives strategy is a critical component to success. Steve's experience and insight are therefore most timely and most valuable."" * David Hui, Regional Managing Partner (Industrial), APAC & Middle East, CEO & Board Practice, Heidrick & Struggles *