Paul T. Hill is professor of practice at Arizona State University and founder and former director of the Center on Reinventing Public Education, which studies alternative governance and finance systems for public K-12 education. He is the author of Strife and Progress: Portfolio Strategies for Managing Urban Schools and coauthor of A Democratic Constitution for Public Education, also published by the University of Chicago Press. Ashley E. Jochim is an independent education researcher and Consulting Principal at the Center for Reinventing Public Education at Arizona State University. She is coauthor of A Democratic Constitution for Public Education, also published by the University of Chicago Press.
""This clear-eyed and deeply informed assessment underscores a critical point: education reformers cannot succeed by bowling over or dodging around local politics. The route to sustainable reform runs through engaging local stakeholders and taking their views fully into account."" -- Jeffrey R. Henig, author of 'The End of Exceptionalism in American Education: The Changing Politics of School Reform' ""Making Politics Work is a uniquely valuable book. Hill and Jochim leverage a novel data set to show that, although politics usually weakens or kills good reform ideas, politically savvy advocates can use politics to mobilize support, sideline opposition, and see their ideas adopted and endure. This is a book that all reformers need to read."" -- Terry M. Moe, author of 'The Politics of Institutional Reform: Katrina, Education, and the Second Face of Power' “This book is a refreshing elixir to the naïve view that one must set politics aside to solve persistent problems in K-12 education. Hill and Jochim not only turn that maxim on its head by recognizing the centrality of politics to all policy change, in addition, they provide readers concrete suggestions for how to carry out ‘the political work of reform’ needed to improve the nation's schools.” -- Paul Manna, author of 'School’s In: Federalism and the National Education Agenda'