Md Zia Uddin was born in 1981 at Haji Alimuddin's House, 18 No Ward, East Bakalia, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Dr. Zia completed his PhD in Biomedical Engineering in 2011. He is currently working as a Senior Research Scientist in Sustainable Communication Technologies department of SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Norway. SINTEF is the largest research institute in Scandinavia and one of the largest research institutes in Europe. He has been leading/working on work packages of various national and international research projects. His research fields are mainly focused on data & feature analysis from various sources for physical/mental healthcare using machine learning/artificial intelligence/XAI. Dr. Zia also has a good teaching experience with more than 20 computer science-related courses from bachelor's degree to PhD. Dr. Zia has got more than 150 peer-reviewed research publications including prestigious international journals, conferences, and book chapters. Half of the publications are led or mostly done by him. His Google Scholar citations are around 4500. He got Gold Medal Award (2008) for academic excellence in undergraduate study. He was also Awarded Korean Government IT Scholarship (March 2007 to February 2011) and Kyung Hee University President Scholarship (March 2007 to February 2011). His research works received best/outstanding paper awards in several peer reviewed international conferences. He acted as a reviewer in many prestigious journals including IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), Information Fusion, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, and IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, etc. Dr. Zia has been leading/working in different work packages of national and international research projects. He has been enlisted in the World’s Top 2% Scientists since 2019, conducted by Stanford University of USA and Elsevier BV. For more information about his work and background: