Jenny Read-Heimerdinger is a Research Fellow at the University of Wales, Bangor, UK as well as teaching in universities worldwide as a Visiting Lecturer. Josep Rius-Camps is a Priest of the Diocese of Barcelona and is Emeritus Professor and a Research Fellow at the Facultat de Teologia de Catalunya in Barcelona, Spain.
This book is a welcome showcase displaying and demonstrating the distinctive text of Luke and Acts in the bi-lingual (Greek-Latin) manuscript, Codex Bezae Cantabrigiensis. The contiguity of the Lukan Doppelwerk here emphasises the coherence in language, structure, rhetorical style and theological intentions in these two writings. The accompanying translation into English stays as close as practicable to the Greek and itself is a long-overdue rendering of two of the books in this ancient codex. -- J K Elliott, University of Leeds Rius-Camps and Read-Heimerdinger have combined efforts in yet another significant work on Codex Bezae. This large volume, although primarily an English translation of the Greek text of Luke-Acts, includes extensive linguistic, historical, and textual notes. Students of the New Testament should welcome the accessibility of the text of Cantabrigiensis; it promises to revive interest in that ancient and unusual manuscript. Kudos to Rius-Camps and Read-Heimerdinger for making such a substantive contribution to Biblical Studies! -- Daniel B. Wallace, Executive Director, Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts, USA Summarized. * New Testament Abstracts *