<p>Sporting full-color illustrations, this edition of Familia Romana adds vividness to Hans Orberg's already premiere textbook for learning Latin through the natural method. As part of the Lingua Latina: per se illustrata series, Familia Romana presents grammar and vocabulary through context, illustrations, and a well-developed system of notes. By not having to constantly translate, students come to understand the Latin through itself and are prepared for thinking in the language. Although the text is accessible to students as young as 9, the test is advanced enough for college-aged learners, and beyond. Since it is written entirely in Latin, Orberg's series can communicate to students regardless of their native tongue. Thus, no list of vocabulary and translations is provided in this volume. FOCUS Publishing does, however, provide free vocabulary lists with translations at http: //focusbookstore.com/LLdownloads.aspx.<p>In my own experience as a Latin student, it was not until I used the Lingua Latina series that I really came to understood Latin grammar. Even though it also strengthened my ability to both write and speak in Latin, it was my ability to understand texts and to sight read that was most improved. I enjoyed the edition without illustrations and found it most useful, but this edition proved an upgrade. The more vivid illustrations gave me stronger mental images for the vocabulary I was learning. I recommend this version of Familia Romana most warmly.<br>- http: //www.bookwormsblog.com/, 09/01/2011<br>