Susie Fraser is the Director of Education at Greater Manchester Academies Trust and Director of the Manchester Communication Research School. Susie is a Fellow of Teacher Education with the Ambition Institute and she regularly delivers keynotes speeches at events across Greater Manchester. Follow Susie on social media @SusieFraser22.
This book is a must-read for leaders wanting to develop and retain brilliant staff. As well as the 'why', Susie explains the 'how' and 'what', with practical strategies to implement throughout. * Katie Dallender, Strategic Director of Teacher Training and Development at Cranmer Education Trust @MrsDallender * An insightful and evidence-informed look at building a culture of exceptional professional development within schools. Susie takes the reader through complex ideas in an accessible way, along with practical tools. * Anna Kirk, North West Regional Delivery Lead at the Education Endowment Foundation @annalouise_90 * Packed full of wisdom, advice and practical activities which support school leaders to design CPD programmes that really work, this book highlights that exceptional CPD is driven by positive school culture. * Rachel Sewell, Steplab Implementation Lead @rs_sewell *