ANTON DOERIG - Expert & Advisor
""When picking up any reference book, the two usual objectives are either to learn something new that you didn't know before, or to understand what you already know in a new light. Anton ('Tony') Doerig's book 'Leadership. Safe and Secure.' achieves both. Anton is well known to global security and risk managers through his activities at professional institutions and his presentations at conferences across the world. Seeing his name on the Speakers' Panel guarantees that there will be at least one event worth attending, as well as many hours trading stories, swapping experiences and generally sharing a feeling of common ground with someone who really, really knows his stuff. 'Leadership. Safe and Secure.' is an almost perfect book, full of stories, insights, experiences and lessons that will be applicable to anyone involved in any aspect of security and risk management - or in fact, management in any form. It's nugget-size sections make it an easy pick up and read book - but less easy to put down. I first picked it up with the intention of looking through it for twenty minutes - and two hours later I was still turning pages. Anton's voice comes through in every sentence, and if you have not been lucky enough to meet him in person, then reading this book is a worthwhile alternative until you do."" - Dr David Rubens, D.SyRM, CSyP, F.ISRM; Executive Director at The Institute of Strategic Risk Management, UK ""The author Anton Doerig impressively shows how leadership, management and safety & security should be combined in this book. It offers you the opportunity to expand your own leadership understanding and competencies as well as connecting and complementing them with exemplary and job-related experiences from safety, security, emergency and crisis management. Strong executives and clear decisions are essential, not only in extraordinary situations and crisis situations, but also in the area of intervention forces such as the police, the paramedics and the fire brigade. Goals have to be defined, clearly communicated and consistently implemented. Strong executives take their respon- sibilities seriously and are thus distinguished to their employees. In the past, I have had the privilege of engaging the services of Anton Doerig sev- eral times. As an expert and advisor, he always knows how to respond to the needs of his clients and support them successfully in upcoming challenges. He impressively demonstrates the high practical relevance. Although his statements are sometimes provocative, they are also inspiring for reflection. This book is a must for anyone committed to an innovative leadership style."" - Ralf Caviezel; Head of Safety and Security at Cantonal Hospital Grisons / Commander Fire Brigade of the City of Domat/Ems, Switzerland