Julien d'Huy holds a PhD in history and is affiliated with the Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale (Collège de France / CNRS / EHESS; UMR 7130). Author of numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals and of two books, Cosmogonies (2020) and L'Aube des Mythes (2023), he has developed a phylogenetic approach to reconstruct the evolution of myths through time. Frédérique Duquesnoy holds a PhD in archaeology and is associated with the Laboratoire de Préhistoire Méditerranéenne Europe-Afrique (LAMPEA, UMR 7269; CNRS/Aix-Marseille University/Ministry of Culture). She specializes in the study of Saharan rock art and is also a member of the Scientific Project for the Study of the Cosquer Cave (France) since 2021. Working at the CNRS, Patrice Lajoye holds a PhD in history of comparative religions. He is the co-founder of the journal Nouvelle Mythologie Comparée, a specialist in Celtic and Slavic mythologies and the author of numerous books and papers.