To have the right knowledge is to have a cure for all diseases and mental conditions. Such knowledge is certainly not spectacular, but as a premise it is irreplaceable. That knowledge always points us to the mistakes that humanity makes. With the advent of social networks, there was a penetration of information about various teachings and knowledge from the past. In this book, we deal with the topics of philosophy, atheism, science, religion, contemporary spirituality, as well as love and sexual relationships between men and women. The topics are very good and very common for modern people, and yet they are very poorly presented publicly to society. This book is food for the spirit and mind. Use your own life and experience and your own thinking and conclusions to arrive at the truth. Some arguments will certainly seem illogical and untrue at first glance. However, the beauty of this book is that you will learn unexpected truths and knowledge after strange and incredible experiences and reflection. Be healthy and happy!
Vladimir Zivkovic Imprint: Vladimir Zivkovic Dimensions:
Height: 216mm,
Width: 140mm,
Spine: 7mm
Weight: 159g ISBN:9798227331823 Pages: 118 Publication Date:13 September 2024 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active