As Hinase approaches their eighteenth birthday, their life continues to diverge from those of their peers. After Shiori and Ritsu both confess their feelings on the same day, confusion sets in as Hinase begins to see their two childhood best friends in a new light. And now that their body is starting to hint at transformation, Hinase must decide who to give their heart to before it's too late...
What draws the line between friendship and romance?
Tsumuji Yoshimura Imprint: Square Enix Manga Country of Publication: United States Volume: 2 Dimensions:
Height: 210mm,
Width: 146mm,
Spine: 13mm
Weight: 238g ISBN:9781646092789 ISBN 10: 1646092783 Pages: 176 Publication Date:03 December 2024 Recommended Age: From 16 years Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active
Tsumuji Yoshimura is the creator of the Just Like Mona Lisa manga. Her previous series include Classi9 and UNKNOWN.