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Jacaranda Geoactive 2 NSW Australian Curriculum Geography Stage 5, learnON and Print

Louise Swanson Nicole Gray Karen Bowden Adrian Harrison



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Jacaranda Wiley, Australia
26 November 2021
Jacaranda Geoactive NSW Ac NSW's favourite, Jacaranda Geoactive for the NSW Australian curriculum series, has been refreshed to reflect our changing world with updated content, pedagogy and language, alongside new tools to spark students' interest in Geography.

Unrivalled teacher support A complete resource that offers support for teachers in any school context - including new teachON with teaching notes, samples answers, differentiated work programs, school-based fieldwork and much more.

Real, authentic and diverse voices Get students thinking about the interconnection between people and places with new topic hooks, including stories and images in response to key inquiry questions from real people about their place in the world.

Meaningful differentiation at every stage Cater for students of all abilities with worksheets and differentiated question sets for every lesson, and explicit support to help students decode question types and structure their responses.

For teachers, learnON includes additional teacher resources such as quarantined questions and answers, curriculum grids and work programs.
By:   , , , ,
Imprint:   Jacaranda Wiley, Australia
Country of Publication:   Australia
Edition:   5th Revised edition
Dimensions:   Height: 28mm,  Width: 22mm,  Spine: 2mm
Weight:   1.616kg
ISBN:   9780730394280
ISBN 10:   073039428X
Series:   Geoactive Series
Pages:   816
Publication Date:  
Recommended Age:   From 14 to 16 years
Audience:   Primary & secondary/elementary & high school ,  Educational: Primary & Secondary
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Chapter and lesson structure ix Comprehensive teacher support xi The Geoactive package xii Acknowledgements xiv 1 The world of Geography 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Geographical inquiry 2 1.3 Geographical concepts 10 1.4 Work and careers in Geography 1.5 SkillBuilder - Reading contour lines on a map 1.6 Writing skills in Geography 1.7 Review 23 Unit 1 Sustainable Biomes 27 2 Biomes 29 2.1 Overview 30 2.2 Features of biomes 31 2.3 Major Australian biomes 36 2.4 SkillBuilder - Describing spatial relationships in thematic maps 2.5 The role of climate in biomes 42 2.6 The role of soil and vegetation in biomes 45 2.7 SkillBuilder - Constructing and describing a transect on a topographic map 2.8 Use of grassland biomes 52 2.9 Productivity of coral reef biomes 56 2.10 Investigating topographic maps - Coastal wetland biome in Dalywoi Bay 59 2.11 Thinking Big research project - Our world of biomes AVD 2.12 Review 63 3 Biomes produce food 67 3.1 Overview 68 3.2 Feeding the world 69 3.3 SkillBuilder - Constructing ternary graphs 3.4 Traditional agriculture 79 3.5 Food security over time in Australia 83 3.6 Food production in Australia 92 3.7 SkillBuilder - Describing patterns and correlations on a topographic map 3.8 Rice - An important food crop 3.9 Cacao - A special cash crop 3.10 Investigating topographic maps - Horticulture in Carnarvon 100 3.11 Thinking Big research project - Subsistence living gap-year diary 3.12 Review 104 4 Changing biomes 109 4.1 Overview 110 4.2 Food production's effect on biomes 111 4.3 Modifying our forests 117 4.4 SkillBuilder - GIS - Deconstructing a map 4.5 Paper production and its effect on biomes 4.6 Overfishing our ocean biome 124 4.7 SkillBuilder - Interpreting a geographical cartoon 4.8 The impact of farming on land and water 129 4.9 The impact of farming on the atmosphere 138 4.10 Diminishing global biodiversity 141 4.11 Investigating topographic maps - Food production in the Riverina 146 4.12 Thinking Big research project - Fished out! 4.13 Review 150 5 Challenges to food production 155 5.1 Overview 156 5.2 Water security and food production 157 5.3 Pollution and food production 162 5.4 SkillBuilder - Interpreting satellite images to show change over time 5.5 Land loss and food production 167 5.6 Features of a famine - Somalia 5.7 SkillBuilder - Constructing and describing complex choropleth maps 5.8 Urban expansion into food production areas 176 5.9 Climate change and food production 185 5.10 Investigating topographic maps - Yarra Yarra Creek Basin food bowl 190 5.11 Thinking Big research project - Famine crisis report 5.12 Review 194 6 Food security 199 6.1 Overview 200 6.2 Feeding the world population 201 6.3 Improving food production 206 6.4 Reducing food waste 214 6.5 SkillBuilder - Constructing a box scattergram 6.6 Food aid 222 6.7 Food aid in Australia 6.8 Fair trade 6.9 SkillBuilder - Constructing and describing proportional circles on maps 6.10 The effects of dietary changes on food supply 231 6.11 Urban farms 236 6.12 Investigating topographic maps - Lake Victoria as a food source 239 6.13 Thinking Big research project - Community garden design 6.14 Review 243 7 Geographical inquiry: Sustainable biomes 247 7.1 Overview 247 7.2 Inquiry process 248 7.3 Review 249 Unit 2 Changing Places 251 8 Causes and consequences of urbanisation 253 8.1 Overview 254 8.2 The development of urban environments 255 8.3 Distribution of urban areas 259 8.4 SkillBuilder - Comparing population profiles 8.5 Urban expansion 266 8.6 Urban decline 273 8.7 Impacts of urbanisation on the environment 279 8.8 SkillBuilder - Creating and reading pictographs 8.9 Challenges for sustainable urban environments 285 8.10 Urbanisation in Indonesia 8.11 Investigating topographic maps - Jakarta 290 8.12 Thinking Big research project - Slum improvement proposal 8.13 Review 294 9 Urban settlement patterns 299 9.1 Overview 300 9.2 Urban settlement patterns in Australia 301 9.3 Comparing urbanisation - USA and Australia 309 9.4 SkillBuilder - Creating and reading compound bar graphs 9.5 Characteristics of cities in Europe 9.6 SkillBuilder - Constructing and describing isoline maps 9.7 Characteristics of cities in South America 9.8 Consequences of urban concentration 322 9.9 Creating sustainable and liveable cities 330 9.10 Investigating topographic maps - Examining the city of Sao Paulo 334 9.11 Thinking Big research project - One day in Jakarta, one day in New York City 9.12 Review 338 10 Internal and international migration 341 10.1 Overview 342 10.2 Reasons people move within Australia 343 10.3 Internal migration trends in Australia 348 10.4 SkillBuilder - Drawing a line graph using Excel 10.5 Effects of internal migration in Australia 355 10.6 Case study - Internal migration in China 10.7 SkillBuilder - Constructing a land use map 10.8 International migration patterns 362 10.9 Effects of international migration 368 10.10 Investigating topographic maps - Urbanisation in Albury-Wodonga 373 10.11 Thinking Big research project - Multicultural Australia photo essay 10.12 Review 377 11 Australia's urban future 381 11.1 Overview 382 11.2 Australia's projected population 383 11.3 Designing sustainable cities 386 11.4 SkillBuilder - Describing change over time 11.5 Sustainable cities in Australia. 390 11.6 Managing the suburbs 397 11.7 Living vertically 11.8 Urban Renewal 401 11.9 Transport infrastructure 11.10 SkillBuilder - Writing a submission 11.11 Individual action to enhance sustainability 408 11.12 Community actions to enhance sustainability 412 11.13 Investigating topographic maps - Urban sprawl in Narre Warren 418 11.14 Thinking Big research project - Celebrating diversity 11.15 Review 422 12 Geographical inquiry - Investigating Asian megacities 427 12.1 Overview 427 12.2 Inquiry process 428 12.3 Review 429 Unit 3 Environmental Change And Management 431 13 Introducing environmental change and management 433 13.1 Overview 434 13.2 Environmental functioning 435 13.3 Lithospheric processes 438 13.4 Biospheric processes 442 13.5 Hydrological and atmospheric processes 446 13.6 Human-induced change 449 13.7 Climate change 454 13.8 Worldviews and environmental management 13.9 SkillBuilder - Evaluating alternative responses 13.10 Sustainable management 461 13.11 Ecological footprint and biocapacity 465 13.12 SkillBuilder - Drawing a futures wheel 13.13 Environmental change in Jindabyne 471 13.14 Thinking Big research project - Wacky weather presentation 13.15 Review 475 14 Land environments under threat 479 14.1 Overview 480 14.2 The causes and impacts of land degradation 481 14.3 SkillBuilder - Interpreting a complex block diagram 14.4 Managing land degradation 491 14.5 Desertification - the drylands are spreading 498 14.6 Environmental change and salinity 507 14.7 Introduced species and land degradation 14.8 Native species and environmental change 14.9 SkillBuilder - Writing a fieldwork report as an annotated visual display (AVD) 14.10 Aboriginal Peoples' land management 519 14.11 Investigating topographic maps - Managing land degradation in the Parwan Valley 525 14.12 Thinking Big research project - Invasive species Wanted! poster 14.13 Review 529 15 Inland water management 533 15.1 Overview 534 15.2 Inland water 535 15.3 Damming rivers 539 15.4 Alternatives to dams 547 15.5 SkillBuilder - Creating a fishbone diagram 15.6 Using groundwater reserves 554 15.7 The impacts of drainage and diversion 560 15.8 Case study - Managing the Murray-Darling 15.9 SkillBuilder - Reading topographic maps at an advanced level 15.10 Investigating topographic maps - Wetlands along the Murray River 567 15.11 Thinking Big research project - Menindee Lakes murder - news report 15.12 Review 571 16 Managing change in coastal environments 575 16.1 Overview 576 16.2 How coastal landforms are created 577 16.3 Deposition and erosion of coasts 580 16.4 Human causes of coastal change 584 16.5 Case study - Environmental change in the Tweed and Gold Coast 16.6 Impacts of inland activities on coasts 589 16.7 SkillBuilder - Comparing aerial photographs to investigate spatial change over time 16.8 Impacts on low islands 16.9 Managing coastal change 594 16.10 SkillBuilder - Comparing an aerial photograph and a topographic map 16.11 Factors influencing coastal management strategies 600 16.12 Contributing to environmental sustainability in coastal zones 603 16.13 Investigating topographic maps - Consequences of coastal change in Merimbula 606 16.14 Thinking Big research project - Ecology action newsletter - reef rescue 16.15 Review 610 17 Marine environments change and management 615 17.1 Overview 616 17.2 Marine processes 17.3 Marine pollution and debris 17.4 Responses to marine debris 17.5 SkillBuilder - Using geographic information systems (GIS) 17.6 Marine pollution 17.7 SkillBuilder - Describing a photographs 17.8 Investigating topographic maps - Coral bleaching on Lizard Island? 17.9 Thinking Big research project - 'Plastic not-so-fantastic' media campaign 17.10 Review 18 Geographical inquiry - Developing an environmental management plan 619 18.1 Overview 619 18.2 Inquiry process 619 18.3 Review 621 Unit 4 Human Wellbeing 623 19 Human wellbeing and development 625 19.1 Overview 626 19.2 Features of wellbeing 627 19.3 SkillBuilder - Constructing and interpreting a scattergraph 19.4 Examining quantitative indicators 633 19.5 Examining qualitative indicators 637 19.6 Measuring development 641 19.7 SkillBuilder - Interpreting a cartogram 19.8 Contemporary trends in wellbeing - Sustainability 646 19.9 Contemporary trends in wellbeing - Health 19.10 Contemporary trends in wellbeing - Malaria and tuberculosis 19.11 Investigating topographic maps - Norway - the best place on Earth 652 19.12 Thinking Big research project - UN report - Global wellbeing comparison 19.13 Review 656 20 Spatial variations in human wellbeing 661 20.1 Overview 662 20.2 Variations in wellbeing between countries 663 20.3 Variations in wellbeing within countries 669 20.4 SkillBuilder - Using Excel to construct population profiles 20.5 Internal reasons for variations in wellbeing 675 20.6 External reasons for variations in wellbeing 679 20.7 Variations in wellbeing within the middle class 20.8 SkillBuilder - Developing structured and ethical approaches to research 20.9 Population management and wellbeing 685 20.10 Gender, development and wellbeing 689 20.11 Investigating topographic maps - Spatial variations in wellbeing in Tokyo, Japan 694 20.12 Thinking Big research project - The displaced Rohingya children 20.13 Review 698 21 Human wellbeing in Australia 701 21.1 Overview 702 21.2 Characteristics of Australia's population 703 21.3 Variations in rural and urban wellbeing 707 21.4 Human wellbeing in Sydney 712 21.5 SkillBuilder - Using multiple data formats 21.6 Wellbeing of Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 717 21.7 SkillBuilder - Understanding policies and strategies 21.8 Wellbeing for people living with disabilities 724 21.9 Investigating topographic maps - Wellbeing in the Northern Territory 728 21.10 Thinking Big Research Project - SDG progress infographic 21.11 Review 732 22 Improving Human Wellbeing 737 22.1 Overview 738 22.2 The role of governments in improving human wellbeing 739 22.3 The role of NGOs in improving human wellbeing 744 22.4 The role of individuals in improving human wellbeing 747 22.5 Improving wellbeing for Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander Peoples 753 22.6 SkillBuilder - Debating like a geographer 22.7 Improving wellbeing in Brazil 758 22.8 SkillBuilder - Writing a geographical Essay 22.9 Investigating topographic maps - Measuring wellbeing in Cumborah 764 22.10 Thinking Big research project - Improving wellbeing in a low-HDIranked country 22.11 Review 768 23 Fieldwork inquiry - Comparing wellbeing in the local area 773 23.1 Overview 773 23.2 Inquiry process 773 23.3 Review 775 Glossary 777 Index 786

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