"Having endured decades of incapacitating anxiety and depression, Frank M. Ligons understands the burdens of chronic illness and disability. After trying dozens of medications, he finally discovered ketamine therapy. Ketamine stopped his 25 years of suicidal thoughts in their tracks! He holds a Master of Science in Biomedical Informatics with co-authored research in prestigious medical journals, including the Biomedical Journal of Quality & Safety, Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, and the American Medical Informatics Association(R) Proceedings. Frank has presented medical research at the National Institutes of Health, the National Library of Medicine, and the American Medical Informatics Association(R) Symposium. He lives in Pittsburgh, PA, eats raw eggs, and loves his dog, Sticker. For business inquiries, please connect at LinkedIn.com/in/frankmligons. To book Frank for a dynamic, entertaining, and enlightening talk about his healing journey through ketamine, please go to FindKetamine.com/BookFrank. Henry H. Macler, MD is a board-certified anesthesiologist withover 40 years of experience with Ketamine, first as an anestheticand later as the adjunct treatment discussed in this book.Dr. Macler graduated cum laude from Albany Medical Collegeand completed his residency in anesthesiology at Peter BentBrigham Hospital, Harvard University.Since that time, Dr. Macler has spent decades as the Chief ofAnesthesia Services, Chief Quality Officer, and Director ofICU, among other roles at hospitals nationwide.In these positions, he earned numerous honors, appointments, and awards, including Chief Resident at Peter Bent BrighamHospital, Harvard University Medical Center, OutstandingAlumni Award from Albany Medical College, and St. LouisUniversity's ""The Humanitarian Award,"" for 18 years ofmedical service to Haiti and Ukraine.Pittsburgh Ketamine, founded and directed by Dr. Macler, emerged from a partnership with Dr. Glen Brooks, a pioneer inIV Ketamine infusion therapies at New York Ketamine. Between the two of them, they have administered over 10,000Ketamine treatments."
"""Ketamine treatments can greatly enhance quality of life and create new momentum in a patient's other therapies. Each day, my ""front-row seat"" to these transformations encourages and enheartens me."" - Dr. Henry Macler - Board Certified Anesthesiologist ""A no-nonsense first-hand account of trying ketamine for depression...like getting personal time with someone who has gone through treatment and come out the other side."" - Editor in Chief of FangirlNation - Victoria Irwin ""Your book moved me so much...Ketamine is such an important part of my practice now as several of my clients have been through the infusions and have avoided hospitalization and are ALL doing well."" ""A revolutionary book on mental health..I highly recommend this book for those who are in depression or who want to help and support family members..."" ""... an extremely important and informative read for anyone suffering with depression and mental health issues, or for those looking for ways to support loved ones that do...Hearing his experiences first-hand was both enlightening and emotional..."" ""... a journey from deep despair to hope..."" ""...it will strengthen many to have the will to keep fighting..."" ""...an amazing look into alternative medicine to combat the horrible effects of depression..."" ""...brilliantly written...falls easily into the category of...'easy reading', but it is incredibly informative..."" ""...accompanies the readers throughout his journey of survival from depression...covers everything that you need to know about Ketamine Therapy."" ""This is a must-read...Skillfully written, and backed by research as well as personal experience, the book takes the reader on a journey...healing from depression, mental illness and trauma...Should be standard reading..."""