A look at isopod systematics and evolution, topics confronted include the influence of genetic and extrachromasomal factors on their population rate and a comparison of different species in different habitats.
Taxonomy, systematics, biogeography; new genera of terrestrial isopods from South America, with remarks on some species; a new species of Politolana from the south Brazilian shelf; families and genera of Isopoda Anthuridea; systematic of the Phreatoicidea; a review of the bopyrid isopods parasitic on thalassinidean decapods; biogeography on the marine Isopoda of the Indian Ocean, with a checklist of species and records; ecology; parental behaviour in the wood-boring isopod Sphaeroma terebrans; depth-size related patterns of marine isopods in the Noerdic Seas; Isopod assemblages on the continental shelf and upper slope from the southwestern Atlantic; origin, age, and evolutionary rate of the microparasellid isopod Microcharon from the ground water of the south-Riffian region (Morocco); the influence of genetic and extrachromosomal factors on population sex ratio in the marine isopod; paracerceis sculpta; morphology; morphology of respiratory organs in South American Oniscidea (Philosciidae); some unusual morphological features of Amazonian fish parasites (Cymothoidae); microscopic anatomy of the integument and digestive system during the molt cycle in Ligia italica (Oniscidae).