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John Wiley & Sons Inc
28 June 1999
Well-informed and skilled interviewing is a key factor in dealingwith suspects, victims and witnesses. Experienced police andinvestigators know this from their own practice, and there is now asubstantial body of research and theory in psychology whichsupports this practice and can guide both training and thedevelopment of investigative work. The purpose of this book is toprovide a concise and clearly written guide to the psychologicalconcepts and research-based knowledge that can support and guideinvestigative interviewing. It deals in particular with:
* good basic practice and methods for investigativeinterviewing
* how to deal with false confessions and unreliable or incompletewitness information
* the special problems of interviewing children and othervulnerable people
* the process of interviewing suspects, victims, witnesses,complainants and colleagues

This book will be of interest and value to a wide range ofprofessionals involved in training and practice in the police orother agencies, as well as social workers,lawyers, psychologistsand psychiatrists involved in forensic work. ""The strength of thisbook lies in its relevance for both practice and research ininvestigative interviewing, not only in Britain butinternationally. Based on psychological theory and research, itprovides practitioners with a wealth of information and specificguidelines to help improve their interviewing skills. Researchersare challenged to address some of the, as yet, unansweredquestions."" Janet Jackson, Netherlands Institute for the Study ofCriminality and Law Enforcement, Leiden, The Netherlands This bookis published in the Wiley Series in the Psychology of Crime,Policing and Law Series Editors: professor Professor Graham DaviesUniversity of Leicester, UK, and Professor Ray Bull University ofPortsmouth, UK
By:   , ,
Imprint:   John Wiley & Sons Inc
Country of Publication:   United States
Dimensions:   Height: 230mm,  Width: 153mm,  Spine: 13mm
Weight:   369g
ISBN:   9780471987291
ISBN 10:   0471987298
Series:   Wiley Series in Psychology of Crime, Policing and Law
Pages:   240
Publication Date:  
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  Undergraduate
Replaced By:   9781119805595
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Becky Milne is Professor of Forensic Psychology and course leader of the FdA Investigation and Evidence and the FdA in Police Studies, distance learning programmes specifically for investigators and police officers respectively.

Reviews for Investigative Interviewing: Psychology and Practice

""" excellent source book..."" -- Legal Criminological Psychology, September 2000 ""The timeliness of this book cannot be overstated in an investigative environment... The topic of the book, then, is not just important it is vital. It is strongly recommended..."" --Expert Evidence, Vol. 77, 1999"

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